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amit mandal
Last seen 10.5 years ago
hello all,
I've a query regarding the arguments being passed for the
I'm working with *Illumina WG-6 v3* datasets and
I want
to replicate the exact background correction effect as done by
BeadStudio (*v.*). I've *imported out non-bkg corrected, non-normalized data*
BeadStudio and doing the analysis using *lumi*.
I'm unable to understand well how the optional *probs* argument
working in lumiB. E.g.
lumi.B <- lumiB(example.lumi, method='bgAdjust', probs=0) # from
help page
If one is not passing the *probs* argument, then what value is taken
default; and what value should be passed for the same if an exact
effect of
the BeadStudion bkg correction is desired. When I did bkg correction
BeadStudio, I landed with many negative values (in thousands). But
here when
I used *lumiB* with default settings,
nuc.lumi.B<-lumiB(nuc.lumi,method='bgAdjust',verbose=TRUE) # used
I don't find any resulting negative values.
Kindly help; where could I have done the discrepancy?
thanks n' regards,
Graduate Student
Genomics & Molecular Medicine Unit
Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB)
The robbed that smiles, steals something
from the thief.
- Shakespeare
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