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Riccardo Rossi
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Is there a specific packafe or function to perform model 3 (mixed
effects) ANOVAs on expression data? Is anyone able to address me to
the correct bioc package/function if any? (I was not able so far.)
Here's the details of what I have and what I need to do:
1) the data
57 genelists, one list for each sample I have
These 57 genelists belongs to 17 different sample type, let's say cell
The 57 samples come from 30 different experiments (or
Basically is like having 57 samples grouped in 17 cell types obtained
from 30 different patients, where "cell types" is a fixed factor and
"patients" is a random factor (infact samples belonging to each cell
population come from different patients/sorting, according to
availability of the moment)
2) what I need to do
I would like to pick genes significantly differentially expressed
among the 17 samples, considering also the "contribute" of the random
factor (patients, i.e. sorting) to sample variability. So far I only
made 1way (model1) ANOVAs considering the cell populations grouping
(fixed effect), I need to make a Model3 (mixed effect) ANOVA
considering also the sorting/purification grouping as a random effect.
Thanks to everyone!,
Riccardo L. Rossi, PhD
Integrative Biology Program
Fondazione INGM
Via F. Sforza 28
20122 Milano, IT
phone: +39 02 00662326
fax: +39 02 00662346
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