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Manca Marco PATH
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Holger,
thank you for your kind reply.
I would like to ask for your suggestions once more: I am trying an
EBAM analysis on the same datasets as last time (the GSE9820 from Gene
Expression Omnibus) and I encounter the following error right at my
first step
> find.out <- find.a0(gse, gse$source_name_ch1, rand = 123, gene.names
= fData(gse)$GB_ACC)
Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function "annotation", for
signature "matrix"
the same happens if I omit the gene.names
I have tried to browse the vignette and the reference manual (http://w
f) but I am unable to get a clue at what it is asking annotation for
and how can I adapt to this request.
Could you suggest me how to proceed?
Thank you in advance for your attention and support.
My best regards,
Marco Manca, MD
University of Maastricht
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML)
Cardiovascular Research Institute (CARIM)
E-mail: m.manca at path.unimaas.nl
Mobile: +31626441205
Twitter: @markomanka
Da: Holger Schwender [holger.schw at gmx.de]
Inviato: mercoled? 29 luglio 2009 16.31
A: Manca Marco (PATH); bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
Oggetto: Re: Minor problem with siggenes's command sam2excel when
Hi Marco,
I will fix this in a few days. In the meanwhile, you can load your
annotation package first and then call sam2excel, and it actually
should work.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 16:23:46 +0200
> Von: "Manca Marco (PATH)" <m.manca at="" path.unimaas.nl="">
> An: bioconductor mailing list <bioconductor at="" stat.math.ethz.ch="">,
"Holger Schwender" <holger.schw at="" gmx.de="">
> Betreff: Minor problem with siggenes\'s command sam2excel when
> Dear Holger and dear Bioconductors,
> I am using siggenes to perform SAM on the dataset gse9820 (mainly
> replicating the elaboration described by the authors of the object).
It works
> perfectly but when I am exporting my SAM output of interest to a
.csv files it
> gives me an error message if I ask to add Entrez links to the output
> = TRUE). It works just fine if I omit this requeste:
> > sam2excel(sam.out1, 0.4, "control_patient_diffExpr12.csv",
> excel.version=2, n.digits = 5, entrez = TRUE, what = "both", quote =
> Loading required package: annotate
> Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
> Error: getAnnMap: GPL6255.db package not attached and load is FALSE
> Error in mget(x, envir = getAnnMap(what, chip = data, load = load),
> ifnotfound = NA) :
> error in evaluating the argument 'envir' in selecting a method for
> function 'mget'
> whilst
> > sam2excel(sam.out1, 0.4, "control_patient_diffExpr.csv",
> excel.version=2, n.digits = 5, what = "both", quote = FALSE)
> Output is stored in control_patient_diffExpr.csv
> This is not a major issue, since I have already the Entrez ID (
> NM_######.#) instead of the Illumina ID on the output files:
> > sam.out1 <- sam(gse, gse$characteristics_ch1, gene.names =
> fData(gse)$GB_ACC)
> Yet I wonder if there's a way to make it work. I have tried
preserving the
> Illumina ID (basically omitting the #gene.names = fData(gse)$GB_ACC#
> option from the sam command) along my analysis and then associating
the sam
> output to an annotation database (through the #chip = "chipID"#
option) in
> sam2excel but it didn't work, neither with "lluminaHumanv2BeadID"
nor with
> "lumiHumanAll".
> Where am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance.
> Best regards, Marco
> -----By the way, the following is my session info, just in
> > sessionInfo()
> R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17)
> i386-pc-mingw32
> locale:
> LC_COLLATE=Dutch_Netherlands.1252;LC_CTYPE=Dutch_Netherlands.1252;LC
> attached base packages:
> [1] splines stats graphics grDevices datasets utils
> [8] base
> other attached packages:
> [1] annotate_1.22.0 AnnotationDbi_1.6.1 GEOquery_2.8.0
> [4] RCurl_0.98-1 bitops_1.0-4.1 affy_1.22.0
> [7] siggenes_1.18.0 multtest_2.1.1 Biobase_2.4.1
> [10] rcom_2.2-1 rscproxy_1.3-1
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] affyio_1.12.0 DBI_0.2-4 MASS_7.2-47
> [4] preprocessCore_1.6.0 RSQLite_0.7-1 survival_2.35-4
> [7] tools_2.9.0 xtable_1.5-5
> --------END-------
> --
> Marco Manca, MD
> University of Maastricht
> Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML)
> Cardiovascular Research Institute (CARIM)
> E-mail: m.manca at path.unimaas.nl
> Mobile: +31626441205
> Twitter: @markomanka
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