Conference announcement: Compstat 2004
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I hope this is interesting enough to some of you to justify the slightly off-topic posting of this message. Best regards Wolfgang ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jaromir Antoch <> COMPSTAT 2004, 16th Symposium of IASC, Prague August 23-27, 2004 Statistical computing provides the link between statistical theory and applied statistics. As at previous COMPSTATs, the scientific programme will cover all aspects of this link, from the development and implementation of new statistical ideas through to user experiences and software evaluation. The programme should appeal to anyone working in statistics and using computers, whether in universities, industrial companies, government agencies, research institutes or as software developers. Following extensive discussions over the last year, ERS IASC have introduced a number of changes to the format of the Scientific Programme for COMPSTAT 2004 in Prague. The motivation for these changes was to try to revitalise the programme by giving more focus to the individual sessions, involve more people in the planning of sessions, and make links with other societies like Interface and IFCS involved in statistical computing. The scientific programme for COMPSTAT 2004 will be made up as follows. KEYNOTE LECTURES - BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN STATISTICS, COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND ENGINEERING: Sabine Van Huffel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (B) - FUNCTION FITTING WITH MANY VARIABLES; NEURAL NETWORKS AND BEYOND: Andrew Barron, Yale University (USA). - DIMENSION FREE DATA VISUALIZATION AND INFORMATION MINING: Chun-houh Chen, Academia Sinica Taipei (TW). - THIRTY YEARS OF COMPSTAT AND KEY STEPS OF STATISTICAL COMPUTING: Wilfried Grossmann, Universitat Wien (A), Michael Schimek , Universitat Graz (A), and Peter Sint, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien (A). INVITED ORGANISED SESSIONS, THEIR ORGANISERS AND INVITED SPEAKERS - ADVANCES IN MULTIPLE TIME SERIES MODELLING: PRESENT IMPACT AND FUTURE POTENTIAL: G. Tunnicliffe-Wilson (Lancaster, GB). Invited speakers: J. Hanousek (CZ); R. Tsay (USA); G. Tunnicliffe-Wilson (GB). - APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS METHODS: E. Wegman (USA). This is a Session I. of Interface Society. Invited speakers: A. Braverman (USA); K. Kafadar (USA); A.R. Martinez (USA). - COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS IN RISK CALCULATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT: L. Edler (Heidelberg, D). Invited speakers: L. Held (D); H. Heinzl joitly with M. Mittlboeck (A); J. Groos jointly with A. Kopp-Schneider (D). - COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS OF OPTIMUM MODEL BASED DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS: H. Nyquist (Stockholm, S). Invited speakers: H. Nyquist (S); Weng Kee Wong (USA). - COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS OF ROBUST STATISTICAL METHODS: C. Croux (Leuven, B). Invited speakers: A.C. Atkinson (UK) jointly with M. Riani (I); F.Critchley (UK); U. Gather (D). - COMPUTATIONAL SEARCH IN CLASSIFICATION AND CLUSTERING: D. Banks (USA) and IFCS. This is a Session of the Internatinal Federation of Classification Societies. Invited speakers: D. Banks (USA); P. Hansen (CAN); H. Kiers (NL). - DATA VISUALISATION: D. Cook, Iowa State University (USA). Invited speakers: H. Hofmann (USA); Deborah Swayne (USA); M. Theus (D). - E-STATISTICS: J. Nakano (JP) and ARS IASC. This is a Session of the Asian Regional Section of IASC. Invited speakers: W.K. Fung (Hong Kong China); M.Y. Huh, (KOREA); R. Shibata (JP). - FUNCTIONAL DATA: MODELLING AND APPLICATIONS: F. Ferraty and STAPH (Working Group on Functional Analysis) with LPS, GRIMM and INRA in Toulouse (F). Invited speakers: A. Cuevas (E); A. Kneip (D); J. Ramsay (CAN). - HIGH DIMENSIONAL DATA ANALYSIS: E. Wegman (USA). This is a Session II. of Interface Society. Invited speakers: G. Ostrouchovn (USA); C.E. Priebe (USA); D.W. Scott (USA). - MACHINE LEARNING AND NEURAL NETWORKS: V. Kurkova, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Computer Science (CZ). Invited speakers: Amari (USA); V. Kurkova (CZ); T. Poggio (USA). - MODERN TRENDS OF TEACHING STATISTICS FOR THE INFORMATION SOCIETY: M. Mueller, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Kaiserslautern (D). Invited speakers: K. Cramer jointly with U. Kamps (D); E. Neuwirth (A); G. Saporta (F). - NEW APPROACHES TO MODEL BASED CLUSTER METHODS: D. Pena, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (E). Invited speakers: T. Hastie (USA); D. Pena (E); A. Raftery (USA). - PLS TOOLS FOR REGRESSION AND STRUCTURAL MODELLING: V. Esposito Vinzi, Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (I). Invited speakers: Harald Martens (DK); Svante Wold (S); Michel Tenenhaus (F). - Statistical Biocomputing, Michael Schimek, Universitat Graz (A); TUTORIALS - NUMERICAL METHODS FOR STATISTICIANS: Gene G. Golub, Stanford University (USA); - R: THE NEXT GENERATION: Kurt Hornik, Vienna University of Technology (A). CONTRIBUTED TALKS Participants are encouraged to present contributed talks, or to submit posters on following topics: Algorithms Multivariate Analysis Applications Neural Networks Bayesian Methods Nonparametrical Statistics Biostatistics Numerical Classification Methods for Statistics Clustering Official statistics Data Imputation Optimization Data Visualisation Partial Least Squares Design of Experiments Resampling Methods Dimensional Reduction Robustness E-statistics Simulations Functional Smoothing Data Analysis Spatial Statistics Graphics Statistical Data Mining Image Analysis Statistical Software Internet Based Methods Teaching Statistics Machine learning Time Series Analysis Metadata Tree Based Methods MCMC WEB Model Selection Mining SATELITE MEETINGS AND RELATED CONFERENCES - Workshop of the Working Group Matrix Computations and Statistics of ERCIM on numerical methods in Statistics. Prague, August 27-29, 2004. - Chemometric conference CHEMSTAT 2004. Pardubice, August 30 - September 2, 2004. - CDAM. VII International Conference Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Robustness and Computer Intensive Methods. Minsk, Belarus, September 6-10, 2004. MORE INFO For more informations see `' or write to `'
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