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Guido Hooiveld
Last seen 22 hours ago
Wageningen University, Wageningen, the …
I am facing a problem i cannot solve myselves, despite everything i
read/know. But i assume the solution is easy for the more knowledgable
folks in BioC/R...
This does work:
> library(moe430a.db)
> xxyy <- moe430aSYMBOL
> xxyy
SYMBOL map for chip moe430a (object of class "AnnDbBimap")
However, for this to work you need to know the array type of the data
that is analyzed.
Now i would like to automatically extract the (e.g.) SYMBOL mapping
an annotation.db, thus by retrieving the array type from the eset.
> library(affy)
> eset <- rma(data)
> probeids <- featureNames(eset)
> annotation(eset)
[1] "moe430a"
But how can i use this info to properly call the SYMBOL mapping?
I tried this:
> arraytype <- annotation(eset)
> arraytype <- paste(arraytype, "db", sep = ".")
> arraytype
[1] "moe430a.db"
> arraytype <- paste("package", arraytype, sep = ":")
> gh <- ls(arraytype)
> gh
[1] "moe430a" "moe430a_dbconn" "moe430a_dbfile"
"moe430a_dbInfo" "moe430a_dbschema" "moe430aACCNUM"
"moe430aALIAS2PROBE" "moe430aCHR" "moe430aCHRLENGTHS"
[11] "moe430aCHRLOCEND" "moe430aENSEMBL"
"moe430aENSEMBL2PROBE" "moe430aENTREZID" "moe430aENZYME"
"moe430aENZYME2PROBE" "moe430aGENENAME" "moe430aGO"
"moe430aGO2ALLPROBES" "moe430aGO2PROBE"
[21] "moe430aMAP" "moe430aMAPCOUNTS" "moe430aMGI"
"moe430aMGI2PROBE" "moe430aORGANISM" "moe430aPATH"
"moe430aPATH2PROBE" "moe430aPFAM" "moe430aPMID"
[31] "moe430aPROSITE" "moe430aREFSEQ" "moe430aSYMBOL"
"moe430aUNIGENE" "moe430aUNIPROT"
> gh[33]
[1] "moe430aSYMBOL"
> symbols <- mget(probeids, gh[33])
Error in mget(probeids, gh[33]) : second argument must be an
This also doesn't work:
> symbols <- mget(probeids, envir=gh[33])
Error in mget(probeids, envir = gh[33]) :
second argument must be an environment
My approach thus is the wrong approach to automatically extract
from a annotation.db.
Since i don't know about any other possibility, i would appreciate if
someone could point me to a working solution.
Guido Hooiveld, PhD
Nutrition, Metabolism & Genomics Group
Division of Human Nutrition
Wageningen University
Biotechnion, Bomenweg 2
NL-6703 HD Wageningen
the Netherlands
tel: (+)31 317 485788
fax: (+)31 317 483342
internet: http://nutrigene.4t.com <http: nutrigene.4t.com=""/>
email: guido.hooiveld@wur.nl
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