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Sue Jones
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I have used limma to calculate differential gene expression (see code
end of message). I am currently using R 2.7, Biobase 2.0.1 and Limma
2.14.6 and get the error message
Warning message:
Zero sample variances detected, have been offset
after uisng eBayes.
I know a previous message to this list explains this and says it
can be ignored.
However, I conducted the same analysis using older versions of R,
and Biobase and did not see this message and got a much larger list of
differentially expressed genes. Using the current versions of limma
biobase I see this message and my list of differentially expressed
is smaller - can this be correct?
Thanks for anyones help.
> files <- c("W05h_1.CEL", "W0h_1.CEL", "W2h_1.CEL",
+ "W2h_2.CEL", "W4h_1.CEL", "GW_025.CEL", "GW_1.CEL",
"GW_3.CEL","E2h_1.CEL", "E2h_2.CEL",
+ "E2h_3.CEL", "E2h_4.CEL")
> Data <- ReadAffy(filenames = files)
> Data_gcrma <- gcrma(Data)
> design<- cbind(WAT=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0),
> fit <- lmFit(Data_gcrma,design)
> cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(WATvsETH=ETH-WAT, levels=design)
> fit2<- contrasts.fit(fit,cont.matrix)
> fit3 <- eBayes(fit2)
Warning message:
Zero sample variances detected, have been offset
Sue Jones
University of Sussex