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>I am trying to install the onechannelGUI mainly for exon array
>I am using R 2.8.0. I have followed the instructions described in
>When I try to load exon arrays appears the following error:
>Gene level probe sets summary started
>Read 10 cel files from: target5f906952
>FATAL ERROR: .\TsvFile\TsvFile.cpp:2352: open: Could not open file:
>'C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-28~1.0/library/oneChannelGUI/affylibs/' to read.
>I would appreciate your help,
>Best wishes,
Dear Pedro,
in order to calculate intensity summary for gene/exon probesets
oneChannelGUI uses apt tools.
oneChannelGUI prepares a command line to be executed by the system
function to run apttools.
It seems to me that the tilde in the path is probably creating some
problem in the line command.
Probably you can solve the problem installing R in C:/ to avoid the
tilde in the path.
However, could please open again oneChannelGUI and, in the main R
windows, write the following code:
You can find me tomorrow morning on skype raffaele.calogero and we can
fix the problem.
Prof. Raffaele A. Calogero
Bioinformatics and Genomics Unit
Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e Biologiche
c/o Az. Ospedaliera S. Luigi
Regione Gonzole 10, Orbassano
10043 Torino
tel. ++39 0116705417
Lab. ++39 0116705408
Fax ++39 0119038639
Mobile ++39 3333827080
email: raffaele.calogero at unito.it
www: http://www.bioinformatica.unito.it
Info: http://publicationslist.org/raffaele.calogero