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Pier-Luc Poulin
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi everyone,
I have a general question about microarray data analysis using
We are using a 32k custom spotted oligo array and we are planning on
doing one-color microarray experiments. We need advice on how to
proceed with data normalization and analysis. We have searched in the
literature and in the vignettes and user guides of BioConductor but it
seems that almost every experiment with spotted arrays is done with
two colors. No documentation exists for single channel spotted
microarrays, except for the article by 't Hoen et al., 2004, Nucleic
Acids Research.
Does anyone have knowledge or suggestions on methods or Bioconductor
packages that could be used for this kind of analysis?
P-L Poulin
Research assistant
Universit? Laval