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Tim Smith
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I wanted a list of genes for a particular pathway arranged nodewise.
For example, if I select the Jak-stat pathway
("http://www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway/hsa/hsa04630.html"), how do I get
the entrez ids of genes associated with the node 'STAT' ? Currently, I
use the following code:
x <- toTable(org.Hs.egPATH)
and then select genes associated with a particular pathway (e.g. for
Jak-stat: "04630") . But this gives the entire set of genes associated
with the pathway. Is there a way to get the entrez ids of the genes
associated with each of the nodes ('JAK', 'STAT', 'STAM','PIAS' etc.)
in the pathway?
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