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Moshe Pritsker, Editor, JoVE
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Scientist,
We wanted to tell you about JoVE
<http: www.jove.com="" index.stt?sn="BID28"> 's ( www.jove.com
<http: www.jove.com="" index.stt?sn="BID28"> ) latest video articles. We
promise we'll keep it brief!
In our last few issues, you can watch (not just read about!)
experimental methods for studying epilepsy mutants of Drosophila
<http: www.jove.com="" index="" details.stp?id="1121&sn=BID28"> , homing of
hematopietic stem cells
<http: www.jove.com="" index="" details.stp?id="1104&sn=BID28"> , Vaccinia
virus infection
<http: www.jove.com="" index="" details.stp?id="1168&sn=BID28">
, microinjection of zebrafish embryos
<http: www.jove.com="" index="" details.stp?id="1115&sn=BID28"> , recording
from C. elegans neuromuscular junctions
<http: www.jove.com="" index="" details.stp?id="1165&sn=BID28"> ,
liver sectoriectomy in humans
<http: www.jove.com="" index="" details.stp?id="1118&sn=BID28"> , and much
JoVE is the first and only video journal indexed in PubMed, with over
300 protocols in neuroscience, immunology, developmental biology, cell
biology, bioengineering, medicine and behavioral sciences. We're proud
of the work we've produced with our authors, and we think you'll agree
that video articles are engaging, useful, and just plain awesome.
So check us out! We hope you'll consider subscribing
<http: www.jove.com="" index="" subscribe.stp?sn="BID28"> , recommending us
your librarians for an institutional subscription, or publishing
<http: www.jove.com="" index="" aboutsubmit.stp?sn="BID28"> with us! You
even have to produce your own video--we can provide production
at your laboratory.
Warm regards,
Moshe Pritsker, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, co-founder
JoVE, www.jove.com <http: www.jove.com="" index.stt?sn="BID28">
moshe.pritsker@jove.com <mailto:moshe.pritsker@jove.com>
tel. 1-609-240-4504
If you do not wish to be notified of future JoVE issues, please click
<http: www.myjove.com="" unsubscribe.htm?email="bioconductor@stat.math.et" hz="" ch=""> .
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