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Tim Smith
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I was trying to explore KEGG pathways. I have two questions:
Question 1:
I used some code given by Saroj:
# Suppose you are looking at the pathway for glycolysis /
pathstr = "path:hsa00010"
# get all genes
glist = get.genes.by.pathway(pathstr)
# First fix what color you want for which node
# Suppose, you want to color first enzyme hsa:10327 (EC
# white on blue background and rest all nodes in black on white
# fgcols = color of text and border
# bgcols = color of the rectangular area
fgcols = rep("black", length(glist))
fgcols[1] = "black"
bgcols = rep("#e6e6fa", length(glist))
bgcols[1] = "blue"
# color the pathway accordingly
url = color.pathway.by.objects(pathstr, glist, fg=fgcols, bg=bgcols)
I get the following graph (with one of the nodes shown as blue) at
The original Glycolysis pathway in KEGG is given at
My question is whether I can get the actual gene name (in this case
'AKR1A1') instead of '' on the node that is given in the graph
- i.e., how can I get the gene names (for 'hsa') on the graph ?
Question 2:
This is not exactly an R question, so please excuse me - I'm just
trying to understand things in KEGG. I used the following code to get
the genes for Jak-stat pathway:
pathstr = "path:hsa04630"
# get all genes
glist = get.genes.by.pathway(pathstr)
> length(glist)
[1] 155
This lists 155 genes as being associated with the pathway. But if I go
to the KEGG graph
("http://www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway/hsa/hsa04630.html") I just see
perhaps 20 nodes/genes. Where is my disconnect?
Thanks for the replies!
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