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Wiebke Iffert
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All,
I want to do an analysis using the function hyperGTest from pakage
When I use the geneIDs of my own annotation package a get other result
from the analysis than when using the annotation package org.Hs.eg.db.
I have built my own annotation package using AnnotationDbi following
the instructions in the vignette (I'm using data from a self spotted
microarray with oligonucleotides which I mapped to Entrez geneIDs):
>makeHUMANCHIP_DB(affy=FALSE, prefix="HighDensityArray",
fileName="high_density_array_oid2eg.txt", >baseMapType="eg", outputDir
= getwd(), version="1.0.2", manufacturer = "selfspotted",
>chipName = "High Density Array", manufacturerUrl = "NA")
To build an object of class GOHyperGParams, I used the geneIDs
corresponding to the oligonucleotides of interest.
genesOfInterest,universeGeneIds= allgenes,
>annotation="HighDensityArray.db", ontology="BP", pvalueCutoff=0.05,
conditional=FALSE, >testDirection="over", categoryName="GO")
and I got the result:
Gene to GO BP test for over-representation
1449 GO BP ids tested (180 have p < 0.05)
Selected gene set size: 203
Gene universe size: 1768
Annotation package: HighDensityArray.db
By coincidence I started the same methods using the annotation package
org.Hs.eg.db with the same geneIDs:
genesOfInterest,universeGeneIds= allgenes, >annotation="org.Hs.eg.db",
ontology="BP", pvalueCutoff=0.05, conditional=FALSE,
testDirection="over", >categoryName="GO")
and I got the result:
Gene to GO BP test for over-representation
967 GO BP ids tested (118 have p < 0.05)
Selected gene set size: 203
Gene universe size: 1768
Annotation package: org.Hs.eg.db
Shouldn't I get the same results independent from these 2 annotation
packages? (I thougth that my package HighDensityArray is something
like an subset of the org.Hs.eg.db package, but using my
oligonucleotide IDs as Identifier instead of geneIDs - or did I get
that wrong?).
Which analysis is the one to rely on?
Thanks in advance for any help.
R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)
attached base packages:
[1] splines tools stats graphics grDevices utils
[7] datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] org.Hs.eg.db_2.2.6 GOstats_2.8.0
[3] RBGL_1.18.0 GO.db_2.2.5
[5] HighDensityArray.db_1.0.2 RSQLite_0.7-1
[7] DBI_0.2-4 Category_2.8.1
[9] genefilter_1.22.0 survival_2.34-1
[11] annotate_1.20.1 xtable_1.5-4
[13] AnnotationDbi_1.4.3 graph_1.20.0
[15] Biobase_2.2.1
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] GSEABase_1.4.0 XML_1.98-1 cluster_1.11.11