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Marcus Gry Bj�rklund
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I'm trying to build a annotation package for a custom printed array.
I'm running the code.....:
setwd("/Users/marcusgry/Desktop/bygga mus.annot")
Infile <- "/Users/marcusgry/Desktop/bygga mus.annot/alla.gb.txt"
OutDir <- "/Users/marcusgry/Desktop/bygga mus.annot"
makeMOUSECHIP_DB(affy=FALSE, prefix="KTH.mmOligo", fileName=Infile,
baseMapType="gb",outputDir = OutDir,version="1.0.1",manufacturer =
"KTH",chipName = "KTH Whole Genome Oligo Chip",manufacturerUrl =
And the response is:
"baseMapType is gb or gbNRef
Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, bind.data) :
RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: no such table: src.accession)"
The input file is a file which looks like:
Mouse_v401D01 M28821;BC145741
Mouse_v401L01 AK010225;X99251
...and so forth.
I am using macOSX, version 10.5.6, and R-version 2.8.1. The
AnnotationDbi is version 1.4.2.
Do anyone know what the problem might be?
I would really appreciate all the help that I can get.
Yours sincerely
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