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Mathieu Parent
Last seen 10.3 years ago
Hi list !
I am using the exonmap package. I did every steps and I now have a
list of
genes that have at least on significant differential expressed exon
I want to calculate the splicing index as explained but it looks like
computer enters a loop and jam there. I come back and everytime it's
I use a common computer (32Gb RAM 64bit massive machine)
Here is the function I used
> si.sigs <- si(rma.data, sigs.gene, "group", c("a","b"))
rma.data is the output of the RMA I ran before limma (length
sigs.gene is the output of the probeset.to.gene function on the limma
filtered significant list. (length 22 000)
Any ideas ?
Thanks !
McGill University
Dept. Neurology and Neurosurgery
Dept. Bioinformatics
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