Hi, I'm trying to build a pileup vector from eland results.
p<-pileup(position(foo), 185, chromLen[chrom], svector, width(foo))
where foo is my AlignData class (filtered on chrom). It happens that I
have a read on the + strand near the end of the chromosome (156 bp
afar) that is greater than the specified fragment size (185). pileup
complains that the chromosome length is too small... I can try to run
with a shorter fragment size, but is there a way to tell pileup that
the rightmost read can be smaller than the specified average size?
Davide Cittaro
davide.cittaro at ifom-ieo-campus.it
Hi Davide,
You can use coverage() from the IRanges package to achieve this.
Simple example where all reads are supposed to be on the + strand and
extend to the right starting at 'start':
start <- c(8:20, 76)
fraglength <- 15
chrlength <- 99
pileup(start, fraglength, chrlength)
as.integer(coverage(IRanges(start=start, width=fraglength), 1,
Note that coverage() returns an Rle object which is a compact
of the returned vector of integers. as.integer() coerce this back to a
standard integer vector so you get exactly the same as with pileup().
However, unlike coverage(), pileup() knows how to pileup reads that
described by a start, a fraglength and a direction (+ or -) to which
the fragment extends (in case of -, the end of the read is supposed to
be at start + readlength - 1):
dir <- strand(sample(c("+", "-"), length(start), replace=TRUE))
readlength <- 10
pileup(start, fraglength, chrlength, dir=dir,
Here is the IRanges + coverage() solution:
a) Make the IRanges object describing how the reads map the
reference sequence:
x_start <- start
ii <- dir == "-" # which ranges need to be shifted
ii_readlength <- if (length(readlength) > 1) readlength[ii]
else readlength
ii_fraglength <- if (length(fraglength) > 1) fraglength[ii]
else fraglength
x_start[ii] <- x_start[ii] + ii_readlength - ii_fraglength +
x <- IRanges(start=x_start, width=fraglength)
b) Call coverage() on it:
as.integer(coverage(x, 1, chrlength))
This will not complain if chrlength looks too small:
as.integer(coverage(x, 1, 20))
Hope this helps,
Davide Cittaro wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to build a pileup vector from eland results.
> p<-pileup(position(foo), 185, chromLen[chrom], svector, width(foo))
> where foo is my AlignData class (filtered on chrom). It happens that
> have a read on the + strand near the end of the chromosome (156 bp
> that is greater than the specified fragment size (185). pileup
> that the chromosome length is too small... I can try to run with a
> shorter fragment size, but is there a way to tell pileup that the
> rightmost read can be smaller than the specified average size?
> thanks
> d
> Davide Cittaro
> davide.cittaro at ifom-ieo-campus.it
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Hervé Pagès
Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M2-B876
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024
E-mail: hpages at fhcrc.org
Phone: (206) 667-5791
Fax: (206) 667-1319
Dear Davide
Davide Cittaro wrote:
> p<-pileup(position(foo), 185, chromLen[chrom], svector, width(foo))
> where foo is my AlignData class (filtered on chrom). It happens that
> have a read on the + strand near the end of the chromosome (156 bp
> that is greater than the specified fragment size (185). pileup
> that the chromosome length is too small... I can try to run with a
> shorter fragment size, but is there a way to tell pileup that the
> rightmost read can be smaller than the specified average size?
Instead of the scalar '185', you can pass a vector that gives an
explicit fragment length estimate for each read, e.g.:
p <- pileup(
ifelse( position(foo) < chromLen[chrom] - 185,
185, chromLen[chrom] - position(foo) - 1 ),
chromLen[chrom], svector, width(foo) )
I don't want to claim that this is a very elegant solution.
Best regards
| Dr. Simon Anders, Dipl. Phys.
| European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK
| office phone +44-1223-492680, mobile phone +44-7505-841692
| preferred (permanent) e-mail: sanders at fs.tum.de
Hi Davide -- a third, different, response!
Since you mention ELAND and AlignedRead, it's likely that you can
accomplish your task with
cvg <- coverage(foo, 1, chromLen[chrom], extend=fraglength-
this also loops over chromosomes. (There was an off-by-one error,
fixed in version 1.1.45, that added an extra nucleotide to reads; this
has not quite reached the biocLite repository but is in svn).
The relevant help page is ?"AlignedRead-class"; I'll add a section to
the vignette on use of coverage in the not too distant future.
Hervé Pagès <hpages at="" fhcrc.org=""> writes:
> Hi Davide,
> You can use coverage() from the IRanges package to achieve this.
> Simple example where all reads are supposed to be on the + strand
> extend to the right starting at 'start':
> start <- c(8:20, 76)
> fraglength <- 15
> chrlength <- 99
> pileup(start, fraglength, chrlength)
> as.integer(coverage(IRanges(start=start, width=fraglength), 1,
> Note that coverage() returns an Rle object which is a compact
> of the returned vector of integers. as.integer() coerce this back to
> standard integer vector so you get exactly the same as with
> However, unlike coverage(), pileup() knows how to pileup reads that
> described by a start, a fraglength and a direction (+ or -) to which
> the fragment extends (in case of -, the end of the read is supposed
> be at start + readlength - 1):
> set.seed(23)
> dir <- strand(sample(c("+", "-"), length(start), replace=TRUE))
> readlength <- 10
> pileup(start, fraglength, chrlength, dir=dir,
> Here is the IRanges + coverage() solution:
> a) Make the IRanges object describing how the reads map the
> reference sequence:
> x_start <- start
> ii <- dir == "-" # which ranges need to be shifted
> ii_readlength <- if (length(readlength) > 1) readlength[ii]
else readlength
> ii_fraglength <- if (length(fraglength) > 1) fraglength[ii]
else fraglength
> x_start[ii] <- x_start[ii] + ii_readlength - ii_fraglength +
> x <- IRanges(start=x_start, width=fraglength)
> b) Call coverage() on it:
> as.integer(coverage(x, 1, chrlength))
> This will not complain if chrlength looks too small:
> as.integer(coverage(x, 1, 20))
> Hope this helps,
> H.
> Davide Cittaro wrote:
>> Hi, I'm trying to build a pileup vector from eland results.
>> p<-pileup(position(foo), 185, chromLen[chrom], svector, width(foo))
>> where foo is my AlignData class (filtered on chrom). It happens
>> I have a read on the + strand near the end of the chromosome (156
>> afar) that is greater than the specified fragment size (185).
>> complains that the chromosome length is too small... I can try to
>> run with a shorter fragment size, but is there a way to tell pileup
>> that the rightmost read can be smaller than the specified average
>> size?
>> thanks
>> d
>> Davide Cittaro
>> davide.cittaro at ifom-ieo-campus.it
>> _______________________________________________
>> Bioconductor mailing list
>> Bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioconductor
>> Search the archives:
>> http://news.gmane.org/gmane.science.biology.informatics.conductor
Martin Morgan
Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
PO Box 19024 Seattle, WA 98109
Location: Arnold Building M2 B169
Phone: (206) 667-2793