What is a CDF file and what should be the contents of it (format) and
how should I make it.
My question is:
I have a probe, its coordinates and annotation in tab delim file.
Prob X cord <tab> Prob Y cord <tab> type (PM) <tab> pbset name <tab>
I have this for u95av2.
Now I want to run RMA on on u95av2 chip cel files using my probeset
definitions. I removed probes that are not part of sequence and many
is there a step-wise protocol to make read.celfiles and rma functions
understand my definition file.
Please help.
thank you
On Jan 19, 2009, at 12:50 , Srinivas Iyyer wrote:
> Hello:
> What is a CDF file and what should be the contents of it (format)
> and how should I make it.
> My question is:
> I have a probe, its coordinates and annotation in tab delim file.
> Prob X cord <tab> Prob Y cord <tab> type (PM) <tab> pbset name <tab>
> annotations
> I have this for u95av2.
> Now I want to run RMA on on u95av2 chip cel files using my probeset
> definitions. I removed probes that are not part of sequence and many
> more.
> is there a step-wise protocol to make read.celfiles and rma
> functions understand my definition file.
If you truly want to create a CDF file, you should browse the archives
- this has been discussed a few times recently. You will need to used
writeCDF from affxparser.
But it seems like what you want is to modify a CDF environment, and do
your analysis in Bioconductor. This has also been discussed at length
- try searching for something like "how do I remove probes from a CDF