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Last seen 10.5 years ago
I am pretty new to marray and actually having the same problem.
When using read.GenePix() I get the error
""Error in if (skip > 0) readLines(file, skip) :
> missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
Additionally I get a warning message
": In greplayout.id[1], y) :
Inputstring 30 not valid with this locale."
When using the skip option with the number of row in the header I get
"Error in `[.data.frame`(dat, , info.id) : undefined columns selected"
I tried different gpr files also files downloaded from:
The columns are named exactly as expected in read.GenePix()
so I don't think it is a problem with the files.
Here they mention that it might be a problem with R locate:
Unfortunately I don't know a lot about this.
My System:
Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, Linux 2.6.24-23-generic i686,
R version 2.8.1 (also tried older versions), Bioconductor 2.3
I would be very grateful for every help or hint.
thanks a lot,