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Harry Mangalam
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi All,
I've been trying to get affylmGUI to run on my laptop (3GB, Ubuntu
8.04, R as below:
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)
attached base packages:
[1] tools tcltk stats graphics grDevices utils
[8] methods base
other attached packages:
[1] affylmGUI_1.16.0 affy_1.16.0 preprocessCore_1.0.0
[4] affyio_1.6.1 Biobase_2.2.1 limma_2.16.3
The commands to start affylmGUI are:
library("pd.ragene.1.0.st.v1") # the array set, from Matt Settles
when I try to load data, whether my own (or the estrogen data set), it
segfaults at the same place:
After I select a working directory, and select the targets file
(included below), [R churns for a few seconds], and give the new data
set a name, I can see that the data is 'available' via the data tree
in the left panel.
At the point where I try to view the RNA targets via Menu -> RNA
Targets -> RNA Targets, and release the mouse button, it segfaults,
leaving the traceback:
As I said above, this is the case if it's my data or the estrogen data
If I try to bypass that step and go direct to normalization (with my
data), it will eventually emit the error that I don't have the
correct CDF environment:
==== Error message ====
Error in getCdfInfo(object): Could not obtain CDF environment,
problems encountered: Specified environment does not contain
RaGene-1_0-st-v1 Library - package ragene10stv1cdf not installed.
Data for package affy did not contain ragene10stv1cdf Bioconductor -
ragene10stv1cdf not available
This despite loading without error the correct (from Matt Settles)
library beforehand. > library("pd.ragene.1.0.st.v1")
Does the spelling variant muck it up?
Best wishes,
==== targets.txt (whitespaces are TABS) ====
Name FileName Target
AB.1 0908F-02_AB_1.CEL AB_Only
AB.2 0908F-02_AB_2.CEL AB_Only
AB.3 0908F-02_AB_3.CEL AB_Only
CIQ.1 0908F-02_CIQ_1.CEL CIQ_Only
CIQ.2 0908F-02_CIQ_2.CEL CIQ_Only
CIQ.3 0908F-02_CIQ_3.CEL CIQ_Only
CIQ+AB.1 0908F-02_CIQ_AB_1.CEL CIQ_AB_CoTreatment
CIQ+AB.2 0908F-02_CIQ_AB_2.CEL CIQ_AB_CoTreatment
CIQ+AB.3 0908F-02_CIQ_AB_3.CEL CIQ_AB_CoTreatment
Untreated.1 0908F-02_Untreated_1.CEL CONTROL
Untreated.2 0908F-02_Untreated_2.CEL CONTROL
Untreated.3 0908F-02_Untreated_3.CEL CONTROL
Harry Mangalam - Research Computing, NACS, E2148, Engineering Gateway,
UC Irvine 92697 949 824-0084(o), 949 285-4487(c)
Good judgment comes from experience;
Experience comes from bad judgment. [F. Brooks.]