Aroma breaks when reading >2 Agilent 44k custom arrays
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Last seen 10.1 years ago
Dear list, I am trying to read a bunch of Agilent custom 44k arrays that have been processed with GenePix (i.e. I have .gpr-files). I am able to read one or two files, but when trying three (any three) it breaks giving the following error message: > gpr <- GenePixData$read(targets$Filename[1:3], verbose=TRUE) ... Error in paste(channels[], collapse = ", ") : could not find function "channels" In addition: Warning messages: 1: In readHeader.GenePixData(this, filename = filename, path = NULL, : GenePix file format warning: Some of the field names are not recognized. It might be because it is a new/old version. The unknown fields are: RefNumber, ControlType, GeneName, TopHit, Description. 2: In readHeader.GenePixData(this, filename = filename, path = NULL, : GenePix file format warning: Some of the field names are not recognized. It might be because it is a new/old version. The unknown fields are: RefNumber, ControlType, GeneName, TopHit, Description. 3: In readHeader.GenePixData(this, filename = filename, path = NULL, : GenePix file format warning: Some of the field names are not recognized. It might be because it is a new/old version. The unknown fields are: RefNumber, ControlType, GeneName, TopHit, Description. For convenience, output from the verbose flag is appended to the end of this mail. My session info is > sessionInfo() R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) i386-apple-darwin8.11.1 locale: en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] aroma_0.94 R.io_0.37 R.graphics_0.42 R.colors_0.5.4 R.basic_0.49 aroma.light_1.9.2 [7] R.utils_1.0.9 R.oo_1.4.6 R.methodsS3_1.0.3 Any ideas why? Thanks Daniel Klevebring Output from the verbose=TRUE: Reading file gprs/252110010002_pmt10_4-4.gpr...Reading the header of file gprs/252110010002_pmt10_4-4.gpr...ATF 1.0 29 35 Reading 29 optional header records: Type=GenePix Results 3 DateTime=2008/12/11 10:59:39 Settings=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\settings\252110010002_10.gps GalFile=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\ ArrayOfArrays=4-4 PixelSize=5 Wavelengths=532 ImageFiles=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\tiff-files\green _252110010002_pmt10_FlippedULtoLR.tif 0 NormalizationMethod=None NormalizationFactors=1 JpegImage=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\resultat\252110010002_pmt10.jpg StdDev=Type 1 FeatureType=Irregular Not Filled Barcode=NA BackgroundSubtraction=LocalFeature ImageOrigin=0, 0 JpegOrigin=800, 1310 Creator=GenePix Pro Scanner=G2505B FocusPosition=0 Temperature=0 LinesAveraged=1 Comment=NA PMTGain=0 ScanPower=100 LaserPower=0 Filters=NA ScanRegion=0,0,4320,12200 Supplier=NA Identified channel names: 532, 4, 532, 4 Header considered to be known: Block, Column, Row, Name, ID, X, Y, Dia\., F532 Median, F532 Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > B532\+1SD, % > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 Median, B4 Mean, B4 SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., Ratio of Medians, Ratio of Means, Median of Ratios, Mean of Ratios, Ratios SD, Rgn Ratio, Rgn R, F Pixels, B Pixels, Sum of Medians, Sum of Means, Log Ratio, F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Flags, Normalize, F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, SNR 532, F532 Total Intensity, Index, User Defined, F532 Median, F532 Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > B532\+1SD, % > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 Median, B4 Mean, B4 SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Ratio of Medians \(532/4\), Ratio of Medians \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Medians \(Ratio/3\), Ratio of Means \(532/4\), Ratio of Means \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Means \(Ratio/3\), Median of Ratios \(532/4\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), Mean of Ratios \(532/4\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), Ratios SD \(532/4\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/2\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/3\), Rgn Ratio \(532/4\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/2\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Rgn R. \(532/4\), Rgn R. \(Ratio/2\), Rgn R. \(Ratio/3\), Log Ratio \(532/4\), Log Ratio \(Ratio/2\), Log Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Normalize, F532 Total Intensity, F4 Total Intensity, SNR 532, SNR 4, Negative Control, B532, B4, F4 CV, F532 CV, B4 CV, B532 CV, Circularity, Autoflag Reading field names...ok ok Reading result table...45220 lines. ok! Successfully read file. ok Reading file gprs/252110010002_pmt10_3-4.gpr...Reading the header of file gprs/252110010002_pmt10_3-4.gpr...ATF 1.0 29 35 Reading 29 optional header records: Type=GenePix Results 3 DateTime=2008/12/11 10:59:39 Settings=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\settings\252110010002_10.gps GalFile=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\ ArrayOfArrays=3-4 PixelSize=5 Wavelengths=532 ImageFiles=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\tiff-files\green _252110010002_pmt10_FlippedULtoLR.tif 0 NormalizationMethod=None NormalizationFactors=1 JpegImage=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\resultat\252110010002_pmt10.jpg StdDev=Type 1 FeatureType=Irregular Not Filled Barcode=NA BackgroundSubtraction=LocalFeature ImageOrigin=0, 0 JpegOrigin=800, 1310 Creator=GenePix Pro Scanner=G2505B FocusPosition=0 Temperature=0 LinesAveraged=1 Comment=NA PMTGain=0 ScanPower=100 LaserPower=0 Filters=NA ScanRegion=0,0,4320,12200 Supplier=NA Identified channel names: 532, 4, 532, 4 Header considered to be known: Block, Column, Row, Name, ID, X, Y, Dia\., F532 Median, F532 Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > B532\+1SD, % > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 Median, B4 Mean, B4 SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., Ratio of Medians, Ratio of Means, Median of Ratios, Mean of Ratios, Ratios SD, Rgn Ratio, Rgn R, F Pixels, B Pixels, Sum of Medians, Sum of Means, Log Ratio, F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Flags, Normalize, F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, SNR 532, F532 Total Intensity, Index, User Defined, F532 Median, F532 Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > B532\+1SD, % > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 Median, B4 Mean, B4 SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Ratio of Medians \(532/4\), Ratio of Medians \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Medians \(Ratio/3\), Ratio of Means \(532/4\), Ratio of Means \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Means \(Ratio/3\), Median of Ratios \(532/4\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), Mean of Ratios \(532/4\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), Ratios SD \(532/4\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/2\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/3\), Rgn Ratio \(532/4\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/2\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Rgn R. \(532/4\), Rgn R. \(Ratio/2\), Rgn R. \(Ratio/3\), Log Ratio \(532/4\), Log Ratio \(Ratio/2\), Log Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Normalize, F532 Total Intensity, F4 Total Intensity, SNR 532, SNR 4, Negative Control, B532, B4, F4 CV, F532 CV, B4 CV, B532 CV, Circularity, Autoflag Reading field names...ok ok Reading result table...45220 lines. ok! Successfully read file. ok Reading file gprs/252110010002_pmt10_2-4.gpr...Reading the header of file gprs/252110010002_pmt10_2-4.gpr...ATF 1.0 29 35 Reading 29 optional header records: Type=GenePix Results 3 DateTime=2008/12/11 10:59:39 Settings=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\settings\252110010002_10.gps GalFile=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\ ArrayOfArrays=2-4 PixelSize=5 Wavelengths=532 ImageFiles=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\tiff-files\green _252110010002_pmt10_FlippedULtoLR.tif 0 NormalizationMethod=None NormalizationFactors=1 JpegImage=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\resultat\252110010002_pmt10.jpg StdDev=Type 1 FeatureType=Irregular Not Filled Barcode=NA BackgroundSubtraction=LocalFeature ImageOrigin=0, 0 JpegOrigin=800, 1310 Creator=GenePix Pro Scanner=G2505B FocusPosition=0 Temperature=0 LinesAveraged=1 Comment=NA PMTGain=0 ScanPower=100 LaserPower=0 Filters=NA ScanRegion=0,0,4320,12200 Supplier=NA Identified channel names: 532, 4, 532, 4 Header considered to be known: Block, Column, Row, Name, ID, X, Y, Dia\., F532 Median, F532 Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > B532\+1SD, % > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 Median, B4 Mean, B4 SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., Ratio of Medians, Ratio of Means, Median of Ratios, Mean of Ratios, Ratios SD, Rgn Ratio, Rgn R, F Pixels, B Pixels, Sum of Medians, Sum of Means, Log Ratio, F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Flags, Normalize, F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, SNR 532, F532 Total Intensity, Index, User Defined, F532 Median, F532 Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > B532\+1SD, % > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 Median, B4 Mean, B4 SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Ratio of Medians \(532/4\), Ratio of Medians \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Medians \(Ratio/3\), Ratio of Means \(532/4\), Ratio of Means \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Means \(Ratio/3\), Median of Ratios \(532/4\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), Mean of Ratios \(532/4\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), Ratios SD \(532/4\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/2\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/3\), Rgn Ratio \(532/4\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/2\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Rgn R. \(532/4\), Rgn R. \(Ratio/2\), Rgn R. \(Ratio/3\), Log Ratio \(532/4\), Log Ratio \(Ratio/2\), Log Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Normalize, F532 Total Intensity, F4 Total Intensity, SNR 532, SNR 4, Negative Control, B532, B4, F4 CV, F532 CV, B4 CV, B532 CV, Circularity, Autoflag Reading field names...ok ok Reading result table...45220 lines. ok! Successfully read file. ok
Microarray Microarray • 1.0k views
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Last seen 5 months ago
United States
Hi Daniel, could you please forward an URL where I can download three GPR files so that I can reproduce the error, and troubleshoot this. Cheers /Henrik On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Daniel Klevebring <daniel at=""""> wrote: > Dear list, > > I am trying to read a bunch of Agilent custom 44k arrays that have been > processed with GenePix (i.e. I have .gpr-files). > > I am able to read one or two files, but when trying three (any three) it > breaks giving the following error message: > >> gpr <- GenePixData$read(targets$Filename[1:3], verbose=TRUE) > ... > Error in paste(channels[], collapse = ", ") : > could not find function "channels" > In addition: Warning messages: > 1: In readHeader.GenePixData(this, filename = filename, path = NULL, : > GenePix file format warning: Some of the field names are not recognized. It > might be because it is a new/old version. The unknown fields are: RefNumber, > ControlType, GeneName, TopHit, Description. > 2: In readHeader.GenePixData(this, filename = filename, path = NULL, : > GenePix file format warning: Some of the field names are not recognized. It > might be because it is a new/old version. The unknown fields are: RefNumber, > ControlType, GeneName, TopHit, Description. > 3: In readHeader.GenePixData(this, filename = filename, path = NULL, : > GenePix file format warning: Some of the field names are not recognized. It > might be because it is a new/old version. The unknown fields are: RefNumber, > ControlType, GeneName, TopHit, Description. > > > > For convenience, output from the verbose flag is appended to the end of this > mail. My session info is >> sessionInfo() > R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) > i386-apple-darwin8.11.1 > > locale: > en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 > > attached base packages: > [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base > other attached packages: > [1] aroma_0.94 R.io_0.37 R.graphics_0.42 R.colors_0.5.4 > R.basic_0.49 aroma.light_1.9.2 > [7] R.utils_1.0.9 R.oo_1.4.6 R.methodsS3_1.0.3 > > > Any ideas why? > > Thanks > Daniel Klevebring > > > > > > > > Output from the verbose=TRUE: > > Reading file gprs/252110010002_pmt10_4-4.gpr...Reading the header of file > gprs/252110010002_pmt10_4-4.gpr...ATF 1.0 > 29 35 > Reading 29 optional header records: > Type=GenePix Results 3 > DateTime=2008/12/11 10:59:39 > Settings=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT > Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\settings\252110010002_10.gps > GalFile=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT > Matthew Kirkham\ > ArrayOfArrays=4-4 > PixelSize=5 > Wavelengths=532 > ImageFiles=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression > Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\tiff-files\green > _252110010002_pmt10_FlippedULtoLR.tif 0 > NormalizationMethod=None > NormalizationFactors=1 > JpegImage=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression > Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\resultat\252110010002_pmt10.jpg > StdDev=Type 1 > FeatureType=Irregular Not Filled > Barcode=NA > BackgroundSubtraction=LocalFeature > ImageOrigin=0, 0 > JpegOrigin=800, 1310 > Creator=GenePix Pro > Scanner=G2505B > FocusPosition=0 > Temperature=0 > LinesAveraged=1 > Comment=NA > PMTGain=0 > ScanPower=100 > LaserPower=0 > Filters=NA > ScanRegion=0,0,4320,12200 > Supplier=NA > Identified channel names: 532, 4, 532, 4 > Header considered to be known: Block, Column, Row, Name, ID, X, Y, Dia\., > F532 Median, F532 Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > > B532\+1SD, % > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 > Median, B4 Mean, B4 SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., Ratio of > Medians, Ratio of Means, Median of Ratios, Mean of Ratios, Ratios SD, Rgn > Ratio, Rgn R, F Pixels, B Pixels, Sum of Medians, Sum of Means, Log Ratio, > F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Flags, > Normalize, F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - > B4, SNR 532, F532 Total Intensity, Index, User Defined, F532 Median, F532 > Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > B532\+1SD, % > > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 Median, B4 Mean, B4 > SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - > B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Ratio of Medians \(532/4\), Ratio of > Medians \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Medians \(Ratio/3\), Ratio of Means \(532/4\), > Ratio of Means \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Means \(Ratio/3\), Median of Ratios > \(532/4\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), Mean > of Ratios \(532/4\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), > Ratios SD \(532/4\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/2\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/3\), Rgn Ratio > \(532/4\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/2\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Rgn R. \(532/4\), > Rgn R. \(Ratio/2\), Rgn R. \(Ratio/3\), Log Ratio \(532/4\), Log Ratio > \(Ratio/2\), Log Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Normalize, F532 Total Intensity, F4 > Total Intensity, SNR 532, SNR 4, Negative Control, B532, B4, F4 CV, F532 CV, > B4 CV, B532 CV, Circularity, Autoflag > Reading field names...ok > ok > Reading result table...45220 lines. ok! > Successfully read file. > ok > Reading file gprs/252110010002_pmt10_3-4.gpr...Reading the header of file > gprs/252110010002_pmt10_3-4.gpr...ATF 1.0 > 29 35 > Reading 29 optional header records: > Type=GenePix Results 3 > DateTime=2008/12/11 10:59:39 > Settings=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT > Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\settings\252110010002_10.gps > GalFile=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT > Matthew Kirkham\ > ArrayOfArrays=3-4 > PixelSize=5 > Wavelengths=532 > ImageFiles=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression > Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\tiff-files\green > _252110010002_pmt10_FlippedULtoLR.tif 0 > NormalizationMethod=None > NormalizationFactors=1 > JpegImage=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression > Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\resultat\252110010002_pmt10.jpg > StdDev=Type 1 > FeatureType=Irregular Not Filled > Barcode=NA > BackgroundSubtraction=LocalFeature > ImageOrigin=0, 0 > JpegOrigin=800, 1310 > Creator=GenePix Pro > Scanner=G2505B > FocusPosition=0 > Temperature=0 > LinesAveraged=1 > Comment=NA > PMTGain=0 > ScanPower=100 > LaserPower=0 > Filters=NA > ScanRegion=0,0,4320,12200 > Supplier=NA > Identified channel names: 532, 4, 532, 4 > Header considered to be known: Block, Column, Row, Name, ID, X, Y, Dia\., > F532 Median, F532 Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > > B532\+1SD, % > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 > Median, B4 Mean, B4 SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., Ratio of > Medians, Ratio of Means, Median of Ratios, Mean of Ratios, Ratios SD, Rgn > Ratio, Rgn R, F Pixels, B Pixels, Sum of Medians, Sum of Means, Log Ratio, > F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Flags, > Normalize, F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - > B4, SNR 532, F532 Total Intensity, Index, User Defined, F532 Median, F532 > Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > B532\+1SD, % > > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 Median, B4 Mean, B4 > SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - > B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Ratio of Medians \(532/4\), Ratio of > Medians \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Medians \(Ratio/3\), Ratio of Means \(532/4\), > Ratio of Means \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Means \(Ratio/3\), Median of Ratios > \(532/4\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), Mean > of Ratios \(532/4\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), > Ratios SD \(532/4\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/2\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/3\), Rgn Ratio > \(532/4\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/2\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Rgn R. \(532/4\), > Rgn R. \(Ratio/2\), Rgn R. \(Ratio/3\), Log Ratio \(532/4\), Log Ratio > \(Ratio/2\), Log Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Normalize, F532 Total Intensity, F4 > Total Intensity, SNR 532, SNR 4, Negative Control, B532, B4, F4 CV, F532 CV, > B4 CV, B532 CV, Circularity, Autoflag > Reading field names...ok > ok > Reading result table...45220 lines. ok! > Successfully read file. > ok > Reading file gprs/252110010002_pmt10_2-4.gpr...Reading the header of file > gprs/252110010002_pmt10_2-4.gpr...ATF 1.0 > 29 35 > Reading 29 optional header records: > Type=GenePix Results 3 > DateTime=2008/12/11 10:59:39 > Settings=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT > Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\settings\252110010002_10.gps > GalFile=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression Service\NEWT > Matthew Kirkham\ > ArrayOfArrays=2-4 > PixelSize=5 > Wavelengths=532 > ImageFiles=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression > Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\tiff-files\green > _252110010002_pmt10_FlippedULtoLR.tif 0 > NormalizationMethod=None > NormalizationFactors=1 > JpegImage=R:\KTH array\KTH Microarray Production\Gene Expression > Service\NEWT Matthew Kirkham\NEWT2 pmt10\resultat\252110010002_pmt10.jpg > StdDev=Type 1 > FeatureType=Irregular Not Filled > Barcode=NA > BackgroundSubtraction=LocalFeature > ImageOrigin=0, 0 > JpegOrigin=800, 1310 > Creator=GenePix Pro > Scanner=G2505B > FocusPosition=0 > Temperature=0 > LinesAveraged=1 > Comment=NA > PMTGain=0 > ScanPower=100 > LaserPower=0 > Filters=NA > ScanRegion=0,0,4320,12200 > Supplier=NA > Identified channel names: 532, 4, 532, 4 > Header considered to be known: Block, Column, Row, Name, ID, X, Y, Dia\., > F532 Median, F532 Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > > B532\+1SD, % > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 > Median, B4 Mean, B4 SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., Ratio of > Medians, Ratio of Means, Median of Ratios, Mean of Ratios, Ratios SD, Rgn > Ratio, Rgn R, F Pixels, B Pixels, Sum of Medians, Sum of Means, Log Ratio, > F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Flags, > Normalize, F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - > B4, SNR 532, F532 Total Intensity, Index, User Defined, F532 Median, F532 > Mean, F532 SD, B532 Median, B532 Mean, B532 SD, % > B532\+1SD, % > > B532\+2SD, F532 % Sat\., F4 Median, F4 Mean, F4 SD, B4 Median, B4 Mean, B4 > SD, % > B4\+1SD, % > B4\+2SD, F4 % Sat\., F532 Median - B532, F4 Median - > B4, F532 Mean - B532, F4 Mean - B4, Ratio of Medians \(532/4\), Ratio of > Medians \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Medians \(Ratio/3\), Ratio of Means \(532/4\), > Ratio of Means \(Ratio/2\), Ratio of Means \(Ratio/3\), Median of Ratios > \(532/4\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Median of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), Mean > of Ratios \(532/4\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/2\), Mean of Ratios \(Ratio/3\), > Ratios SD \(532/4\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/2\), Ratios SD \(Ratio/3\), Rgn Ratio > \(532/4\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/2\), Rgn Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Rgn R. \(532/4\), > Rgn R. \(Ratio/2\), Rgn R. \(Ratio/3\), Log Ratio \(532/4\), Log Ratio > \(Ratio/2\), Log Ratio \(Ratio/3\), Normalize, F532 Total Intensity, F4 > Total Intensity, SNR 532, SNR 4, Negative Control, B532, B4, F4 CV, F532 CV, > B4 CV, B532 CV, Circularity, Autoflag > Reading field names...ok > ok > Reading result table...45220 lines. ok! > Successfully read file. > ok > > _______________________________________________ > Bioconductor mailing list > Bioconductor at > > Search the archives: > >

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