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The course material for "Using Bioconductor for ChIP-seq experiments",
which was held at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center from
Nov 2008, is now available on-line at
Topics for this course include:
1. Overview of Bioconductor and high-throughput sequence data
2. Sequence Data I/O and QA using ShortRead
3. Sequence Data Exploration using rtracklayer
4. Sequence Data Annotations from org.* packages and biomaRt
5. Biostrings and BSgenome Basics
6. Sequence Matching and Aligning using Biostrings
7. Ambiguous Motif Resolution
8. Example ChIP-seq Analysis Workflow
9. RNA-seq
This course was designed to highlight what BioC 2.3, along with R 2.8,
has to offer experimenters working with high-throughput sequence data.
Course participants used laptop computers to read, examine, annotate,
align, and analyze high-throughput sequence data on the BioC 2.3
ShortRead/Biostrings/BSgenome/IRanges/rtracklayer/biomaRt backbone.
Members of the Bioconductor Core Team that attended the course are
thankful for all the feedback they received from these participants
they are actively converting this feedback into enhancements within
BioC 2.4 code line. Please direct all comments on this course material
as well as BioC 2.4 enhancement requests in the sequencing realm to
Bioc-sig-sequencing group
(https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioc-sig-sequencing) since it
provides a forum for more detailed discussion by interested parties.
The Bioconductor Core Team