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Guilherme J. M. Rosa
Last seen 10.2 years ago
The Symposium "Statistical Genetics of Livestock for the Post-Genomic
Era" will be held at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA, on
May 4-6, 2009. This meeting will provide an important opportunity to
share and discuss state-of-the-art bioinformatics and statistical
genomics methodologies as applied to livestock and companion animals.
The symposium will be structured around four themes (Animal Functional
Genomics, Systems Biology, Whole Genome Enabled Animal Selection, and
Whole Genome Association Analysis), each with top-notch invited
speakers covering contemporary topics in statistical genetics, data
mining and bioinformatics approaches applied to animal genomics.
Additionally, there will be a poster session for delegates to present
their latest research results.
The symposium will feature an outstanding list of invited speakers!
Dr. James Crow (Univ. of Wisconsin, USA; Opening Keynote Lecture)
Dr. David Allison (Univ. of Alabama - Birmingham, USA)
Dr. Agustin Blasco (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Dr. Alicia Carriquiry (Iowa State Univ., USA)
Dr. Rohan Fernando (Iowa State Univ., USA)
Dr. Jean-Louis Foulley (INRA, France)
Dr. Ben Hayes (DPI-VIC, Australia)
Dr. Bjorg Heringstad (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway)
Dr. William Hill (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Dr. Sunduz Keles (Univ. of Wisconsin, USA)
Dr. Ignacy Misztal (Univ. of Georgia, USA)
Dr. William Muir (Purdue University, USA)
Dr. Dan Nettleton (Iowa State Univ., USA)
Dr. Miguel Perez-Enciso (ICREA - UAB, Spain)
Dr. Max Rothschild (Iowa State Univ., USA)
Dr. Henner Simianer (University Goettingen, Germany)
Dr. Moshe Soller (Hebrew University, Israel)
Dr. Daniel Sorensen (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
Dr. Robert Tempelman (Michigan State Univ., USA)
Dr. Miguel Toro (INIA, Spain)
Please mark in your calendars! Additional information will be sent out
Dr. Kent Weigel and Dr. Guilherme Rosa
Symposium co-chairs
The Symposium organization acknowledges funding support from the USDA-
NRI 43.0 Animal Genome Program.
Guilherme J. M. Rosa
Assistant Professor
Department of Dairy Science
University of Wisconsin - Madison
460 Animal Science Building
1675 Observatory Dr.
Madison, WI 53706 USA
Phone: + 1 (608) 265-8617
Fax: + 1 (608) 263-9412
E-mail: grosa@wisc.edu
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