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Rainer Tischler
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I have a microarray data set with additional information on the
chromosomal location of genes and their GO-groups. I'm looking for a
simple way to include this annotation data in a supervised microarray
analysis (disease outcome classification) to improve the prediction
accuracy. There appear to be two basic strategies:
1. combine similar genes to gene groups based on the annotation data
before starting the statistical analysis
2. improve the distance measure for feature selection and
classification by including distance information derived from the
annotation data
Is anybody aware of an R-package that implements one of these ideas or
is there a simply way I could implement this myself (e.g. replacing
gene groups by a single gene based on the mean or median expression
levels - I'm not sure whether this would be effective or whether more
sophisticated methods are already available as R-packages)?
Currently, I'm using an SVM- and a PAM-classifier for my predictions,
thus, I hope to find an integrative approach which is compatible with
these classifiers.
Many thanks,
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