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Michael Palumbo
Last seen 10.5 years ago
i have general questions regarding the applicability of the
package to my problem/data. i've used bioconductor in the past, but by
no means am i an expert.
i have data from affy yeast tiling arrays - 3 mut and 3 wild type.
run affy's TAS program on the CEL files - as a two sample analysis,
comparing wt to mut and viewed the results in IGB. my initial goal is
segment the results as was done in David et al, PNAS 2006. it seems to
me there are fundamental differences in my data and the data of David
al. e.g., the normalization step described in tilingArray doc uses DNA
hybridized to the chips as a reference - i don't have that, although i
do have the wt data. a colleague thought i might be able to use the wt
data in the normalization step, but that doesn't seem quite right to
it is also described that normalization can occur by MM probes - maybe
can normalize the mut chip data w/ MM probes and completely ignore the
wt data? i realize that if i did that, the result would no longer be a
comparison of mut and wt and what i would 'see' would be different
what i currently see in IGB of the two sample TAS analysis. this also
seems like it's not the best approach.
on the other hand, again, all i really want to do is segment the
two-sample analysis that i've done. is there anything wrong with using
the results of TAS's analysis? TAS does a normalization and has
bandwidth averaging - as a non-expert, these are convenient and seem
good to me.
thanks in advance for any and all responses/thoughts,
mike palumbo
Michael Palumbo palumbo at
Wadsworth Center
Center for Medical Science
New York State Dept of Health
150 New Scotland Ave
Albany, NY 12208
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