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Davis, Wade
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear Pan Du et al (and other bioconductoRs):
First, let me say that I have been using the lumi package for a few
years now, and I appreciate the time and effort it takes to maintain a
package. I am very grateful.
I just recently received some data from Illumina's Human HT-12 (V3)
chip. It is the first time I've used it with lumi. I decided to
take advantage of the controlData slot by using the
function. However, when using it, I got the following error message.
> addControlData2lumi(controlFile, eth.lumi)
[1] "Inputting the data ..."
[1] "Adding nuID to the data ..."
Error in addControlData2lumi(controlFile, eth.lumi) :
SampleID does not match up between controlData and x.lumi!
In addition: Warning message:
In addNuId2lumi(x.lumi, lib = lib) :
Please provide the annotation file or lumi annotation library!
I am primarily concerned about the message: "SampleID does not match
between controlData and x.lumi!"
I had the problem with both lumi 1.6.3 and 1.4.0.
Digging into the function, it appears that the creation of the
controlData dataframe is causing the problem.
function (controlData, x.lumi)
if (missing(x.lumi) || missing(controlData))
stop("Both controlData and x.lumi are required!")
if (is.character(controlData)) {
controlFile <- controlData
allControlInfo <- lumiR.batch(controlFile, lib = NULL,
checkDupId = FALSE)
controlData <- as.data.frame(exprs(allControlInfo))
controlType <-
ProbeID <-
controlData <- data.frame(controlType = controlType,
ProbeID = ProbeID, controlData)
if (is.matrix(controlData))
controlData <- as.data.frame(controlData)
if (is(controlData, "data.frame")) {
sampleID <- as.character(pData(phenoData(x.lumi))$sampleID)
if (is.null(sampleID))
sampleID <- sampleNames(x.lumi)
controlSampleID <- names(controlData)
if ("TargetID" %in% controlSampleID) {
controlSampleID[controlSampleID == "TargetID"] <-
if (all(sampleID %in% controlSampleID)) {
x.lumi@controlData <- controlData[, c("controlType",
"ProbeID", sampleID)]
else {
sampleIDInfo <- strsplit(sampleID, split = "_")
newID <- NULL
temp <- lapply(sampleIDInfo, function(x) {
newID <<- c(newID, paste(x[1:2], collapse = "_"))
if (all(newID %in% controlSampleID)) {
x.lumi@controlData <- controlData[, c("controlType",
"ProbeID", newID)]
else {
stop("SampleID does not match up between controlData
names(x.lumi@controlData) <- c("controlType", "ProbeID",
else {
stop("Input data type is not supported!")
When controlData is first defined as
controlData <- as.data.frame(exprs(allControlInfo))
the variable names from my data are:
[1] "4421321204_A" "4421321204_B" "4421321204_C" "4421321204_D"
"4421321204_E" "4421321204_F"
[7] "4421321204_G" "4421321204_H" "4421321204_I" "4421321204_J"
"4421321204_K" "4421321204_L"
which are just the chip names.
After this line:
controlData <- data.frame(controlType = controlType,
ProbeID = ProbeID, controlData)
the variable names from my data become:
1] "controlType" "ProbeID" "X4421321204_A" "X4421321204_B"
"X4421321204_C" "X4421321204_D"
[7] "X4421321204_E" "X4421321204_F" "X4421321204_G" "X4421321204_H"
"X4421321204_I" "X4421321204_J"
[13] "X4421321204_K" "X4421321204_L"
As you can see, the chip names now have the letter X appended. Thus,
when the function compares controlSampleID to newID, it says they do
The X prefix on the chip names comes from the make.names function
employed because the default behavior of data.frame is to have
check.names=T, which triggers make.names. I modified
addControlData2lumi() by adding check.names=F as such:
controlData <- data.frame(controlType = controlType,
ProbeID = ProbeID, controlData,check.names=F)
Then the function works fine.
So I suggest making this change, although I don't know what unintended
behavior this could cause with other lumi functions. If the change is
made, more code might be needed to make sure that chip names are not
I hope this message has been useful, and that I have not overlooked
other messages on this topic. Thank for your time.
J. Wade Davis, PhD
University of Missouri
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