I have just started using Bioconductor. I am going through the manual
but I found it difficult to follow. I am analysing data from 95 chips
with 9500 genes. All expression Average data differences data are in a
single file. My question is how I can import my data into Bioconductor
for analysis?
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> I have just started using Bioconductor. I am going through the
manual but
which manual?
> I found it difficult to follow. I am analysing data from 95 chips
with 9500
what are the particular difficulties?
> genes. All expression Average data differences data are in a single
> My question is how I can import my data into Bioconductor for
it depends on what you want to do. if your 'single file' does not
deliberately to any standard data structure, then it is unlikely that
Bioconductor tools will "import" it successfully without some
on your part. perhaps by "95 chips" you mean "hgu95av2", or maybe you
mean N=95?
we can't possibly help when your problem is described so vaguely.