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hemant ritturaj
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear All,
I was using GEOquery package
After doing required steps
I did this
probesets <- Table(GPLList(gse6901)[[1]])$ID
> data.matrix <- log2(do.call("cbind", lapply(GSMList(gse6901),
+ tab <- Table(x)
+ mymatch <- match(probesets, tab$ID_REF)
+ return(tab$VALUE[mymatch])
+ })))
Error in log(c("27", "59.8", "34.1", "110.5", "130.3", "569.3",
"210.5", :
Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
Can u please help me solving this error as I am not able to understad
that error means
I shall be very thankful for ur kind help
Hemant Ritturaj Kushwaha
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