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Ingrid H. G. Østensen
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I have some data that I am going to analyze, but I have some problems
regarding what to choose/do.
The dataset consists of 4 treatments groups: NG, NG+benfo, HG and
HG+benfo and it has been used samples from 3 donors in each group:
donor 29, 30 and 34. This means that it is 4 groups consisting of 3
samples in each. The platform that has been used is Illumina Human
WG6, and the comparisons that are wanted is: NG - NG_benfo, HG -
HG_benfo, NG HG.
The data was read into R using lumiR, quality controlled, normalized,
log2 transformed and the expression values was extracted resulting in
a data matrix called dataSet_Norm_exp_log2.
First I run a quality control which showed me that the distribution is
fine, but the samples were divided into donors not treatment in the
PCA plot and hierarchical clustering plot. For me this indicates the
differences between the donors are bigger than the differences between
the treatments. And because of this I did not expect a basic
analysis in limma to give me any good results, see ########### Basic
Since the donor effect was so visible I thought I should try to block
the donor effect, but that actually gave me worse adjusted p-value. Is
it wrong to do this, am I using it incorrectly or can the higher
p-values being explained?
Example in ############ Block #################
The three donors are in each group and the scientists also want a
paired test: Donor 29 NG vs. donor 29 NG_benfo etc. I looked in the
limma user guide and found an example of paired t-test, but I am not
sure I am doing it correct and how to interpret the results. Example
in ####### Pair ###########
In this situation would a paired test or a group test be the best?
Is there a way to see what analysis is the best before one start the
job? I do not like to try too many analyses because eventually the
data will give the desired answer; I just have to torture it enough.
And when can one say that there are no significant findings in the
data, when to stop the torture?
> ############################## Basic
> sampleType <- c('NG','NG','NG','HG','HG','HG','NG_benfo','NG_benfo',
> designMa <- model.matrix(~-1+factor(sampleType))
> rownames(designMa) <- sampleType
> colnames(designMa) <- c("HG_s","HG_benfo_s","NG_s","NG_benfo_s")
> fitDesMa <- lmFit(dataSet_Norm_exp_log2, designMa)
> designMa
HG_s HG_benfo_s NG_s NG_benfo_s
NG 0 0 1 0
NG 0 0 1 0
NG 0 0 1 0
HG 1 0 0 0
HG 1 0 0 0
HG 1 0 0 0
NG_benfo 0 0 0 1
NG_benfo 0 0 0 1
NG_benfo 0 0 0 1
HG_benfo 0 1 0 0
HG_benfo 0 1 0 0
HG_benfo 0 1 0 0
[1] 1 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"
> contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(NG_s - NG_benfo_s,HG_s -
HG_benfo_s, NG_s-HG_s, levels = designMa)
> fitContr <- contrasts.fit(fitDesMa, contrast.matrix)
> fitContr2 <- eBayes(fitContr)
> top1 <- topTable(fitContr2, coef= 1, number = 20, adjust= "BH",
> top1
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
2426 2426 -1.0843868 10.716173 -8.938389 5.482310e-06 0.2675587
17320 17320 -0.6227589 6.281775 -8.116261 1.261991e-05 0.2784645
36670 36670 1.3093614 7.984147 7.600320 2.202967e-05 0.2784645
2752 2752 -0.4334247 7.923580 -7.518626 2.412326e-05 0.2784645
25602 25602 0.6119058 9.056356 7.316350 3.029915e-05 0.2784645
41399 41399 0.5812922 8.270799 7.209620 3.423464e-05 0.2784645
14334 14334 0.5852656 5.977673 6.889422 4.977374e-05 0.3036840
2427 2427 -1.0252133 10.001603 -6.784891 5.639001e-05 0.3036840
7100 7100 0.7322154 7.625884 6.688233 6.336271e-05 0.3036840
47668 47668 0.6990338 8.337938 6.545533 7.542180e-05 0.3036840
2592 2592 -0.9705914 6.310054 -6.527260 7.713743e-05 0.3036840
31680 31680 -1.0568705 6.573984 -6.504740 7.931020e-05 0.3036840
1859 1859 1.0862890 6.535754 6.488754 8.089278e-05 0.3036840
7059 7059 0.6369413 5.951195 6.423283 8.774005e-05 0.3045383
42018 42018 -0.8482179 11.479166 -6.350866 9.605183e-05 0.3045383
41398 41398 0.6482108 8.106491 6.285794 1.042501e-04 0.3045383
35368 35368 1.6933744 9.167829 6.272022 1.060805e-04 0.3045383
4815 4815 0.6222491 11.210936 6.120113 1.287430e-04 0.3322279
3965 3965 -0.8698427 8.916196 -6.116510 1.293404e-04 0.3322279
155 155 -0.8420104 8.091452 -5.983258 1.536784e-04 0.3750060
> top2 <- topTable(fitContr2, coef= 2, number = 20, adjust= "BH",
> top2
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
25602 25602 0.6544021 9.056356 7.824463 1.723540e-05 0.5557462
36670 36670 1.2095773 7.984147 7.021113 4.261105e-05 0.5557462
2426 2426 -0.8373037 10.716173 -6.901732 4.905181e-05 0.5557462
43939 43939 1.5657869 9.799353 6.858864 5.161622e-05 0.5557462
25601 25601 0.6822865 7.984298 6.767874 5.755464e-05 0.5557462
38431 38431 0.3340007 5.317240 6.626234 6.832385e-05 0.5557462
35368 35368 1.7394872 9.167829 6.442817 8.563363e-05 0.5970377
35394 35394 0.4021078 6.140240 6.222546 1.129480e-04 0.6492061
43459 43459 0.8113102 9.200194 6.057577 1.395481e-04 0.6492061
35519 35519 -0.3788567 7.472821 -5.964382 1.575082e-04 0.6492061
3896 3896 0.3074361 5.432543 5.940904 1.624160e-04 0.6492061
36692 36692 0.8720572 7.116580 5.899135 1.715600e-04 0.6492061
42124 42124 -0.6213031 7.597989 -5.893084 1.729301e-04 0.6492061
27084 27084 0.5015841 5.690324 5.752551 2.083097e-04 0.7149992
5019 5019 0.4185694 5.712520 5.691197 2.261369e-04 0.7149992
42018 42018 -0.7514740 11.479166 -5.626515 2.467244e-04 0.7149992
41399 41399 0.4513182 8.270799 5.597586 2.565770e-04 0.7149992
31680 31680 -0.9018399 6.573984 -5.550571 2.735040e-04 0.7149992
3019 3019 -0.5514822 11.274571 -5.533892 2.797945e-04 0.7149992
35615 35615 0.8136739 6.947605 5.475631 3.030174e-04 0.7149992
> top3 <- topTable(fitContr2, coef= 3, number = 20, adjust= "BH",
> top3
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
39854 39854 -0.2387620 5.392370 -4.855615 0.0007294172 0.9999495
24894 24894 0.3724066 6.205436 4.835843 0.0007508215 0.9999495
14122 14122 -0.2238631 5.325398 -4.710873 0.0009025967 0.9999495
32475 32475 -0.2275235 5.393603 -4.687553 0.0009343768 0.9999495
37028 37028 -0.2340294 6.164496 -4.671185 0.0009573938 0.9999495
12902 12902 0.2264364 5.285410 4.604682 0.0010573110 0.9999495
32023 32023 -0.2136657 5.541409 -4.549203 0.0011491544 0.9999495
12908 12908 0.1898669 5.417419 4.518870 0.0012029254 0.9999495
7786 7786 -0.1972366 5.218460 -4.481958 0.0012719856 0.9999495
26520 26520 -0.2213202 5.278165 -4.452604 0.0013299104 0.9999495
4727 4727 -0.2274668 5.314431 -4.436143 0.0013636118 0.9999495
44298 44298 0.2378503 6.214914 4.394183 0.0014536867 0.9999495
18945 18945 -0.2495693 5.582078 -4.347342 0.0015617426 0.9999495
1900 1900 -0.2107123 5.414634 -4.244593 0.0018297003 0.9999495
46220 46220 -0.1773682 5.446607 -4.234698 0.0018579597 0.9999495
29257 29257 -0.2125592 5.599029 -4.229925 0.0018717555 0.9999495
4590 4590 0.1954713 5.340609 4.175245 0.0020377623 0.9999495
19285 19285 0.1960713 5.378438 4.139800 0.0021536291 0.9999495
15867 15867 0.1582910 5.298160 4.127889 0.0021941097 0.9999495
33071 33071 -0.2201014 5.464051 -4.103212 0.0022805505 0.9999495
> ####################################################################
> ######################## Block
> SS <- read.table(file = "GEXSampleSheet.csv",sep = ",",colClasses =
"character",header = T,skip = 8)
> SS
Sample_Name Sample_Well Sample_Plate Sample_Group Sentrix_ID
Pool_ID Sentrix_Position X X.1 X.2
1 1_NG NG 4254964042
LD29 A
2 7_HG HG 4254964042
LD30 B
3 2_NG_benfo NG_benfo 4254964042
LD29 C
4 8_HG_benfo HG_benfo 4254964042
LD30 D
5 3_HG HG 4254964042
LD29 E
6 9_NG NG 4254964042
LD34 F
7 4_HG_benfo HG_benfo 4254964032
LD29 A
8 10_NG_benfo NG_benfo 4254964032
LD34 B
9 5_NG NG 4254964032
LD30 C
10 11_HG HG 4254964032
LD34 D
11 6_NG_benfo NG_benfo 4254964032
LD30 E
12 12_HG_benfo HG_benfo 4254964032
LD34 F
> dataSet_Norm_exp_log2_ordnet <- dataSet_Norm_exp_log2[,SS[,1]]
> S_gr <- SS[,4]
> s_gr
Error: object "s_gr" not found
> S_gr_faktor <- as.factor(S_gr)
> S_gr_faktor
[1] NG HG NG_benfo HG_benfo HG NG HG_benfo
NG_benfo NG HG NG_benfo HG_benfo
Levels: HG HG_benfo NG NG_benfo
> designMa <- model.matrix(~-1+S_gr_faktor)
> colnames(designMa) <- levels(S_gr_faktor)
> rownames(designMa) <- S_gr_faktor
> blokk <- SS[,6]
> blokk
[1] "LD29" "LD30" "LD29" "LD30" "LD29" "LD34" "LD29" "LD34" "LD30"
"LD34" "LD30" "LD34"
> corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(dataSet_Norm_exp_log2_ordnet, design
= designMa, ndups = 1, block = as.factor(blokk))
> fitDesMa <- lmFit(dataSet_Norm_exp_log2, design = designMa,block =
as.factor(blokk),cor = corfit$consensus)
> designMa
HG HG_benfo NG NG_benfo
NG 0 0 1 0
HG 1 0 0 0
NG_benfo 0 0 0 1
HG_benfo 0 1 0 0
HG 1 0 0 0
NG 0 0 1 0
HG_benfo 0 1 0 0
NG_benfo 0 0 0 1
NG 0 0 1 0
HG 1 0 0 0
NG_benfo 0 0 0 1
HG_benfo 0 1 0 0
[1] 1 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"
> contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(NG - NG_benfo,HG - HG_benfo, NG-HG,
levels = designMa)
> fitContr <- contrasts.fit(fitDesMa, contrast.matrix)
> fitContr2 <- eBayes(fitContr)
> top1 <- topTable(fitContr2, coef= 1, number = 20, adjust= "BH",
> top1
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
7611 7611 -0.2527342 5.594157 -5.439053 0.0003198243 0.9999325
32680 32680 0.3197339 5.304647 5.213128 0.0004380912 0.9999325
13175 13175 0.2373210 5.436111 4.912886 0.0006730955 0.9999325
12484 12484 -0.2244960 5.545403 -4.887328 0.0006985769 0.9999325
48359 48359 0.2393309 5.316981 4.863403 0.0007233641 0.9999325
14456 14456 0.2406121 5.618726 4.858584 0.0007284695 0.9999325
21982 21982 -0.2415139 5.354844 -4.799576 0.0007942028 0.9999325
4668 4668 0.2189805 5.294603 4.752691 0.0008509389 0.9999325
24165 24165 -0.2138513 5.438563 -4.723256 0.0008887563 0.9999325
8228 8228 -0.3325391 6.138562 -4.615691 0.0010429202 0.9999325
23640 23640 0.2089381 5.580925 4.596901 0.0010726550 0.9999325
12265 12265 0.1636480 5.471247 4.590664 0.0010827233 0.9999325
16029 16029 0.2862802 6.143381 4.584987 0.0010919753 0.9999325
26564 26564 0.2162782 5.452064 4.572604 0.0011124478 0.9999325
25896 25896 0.2122054 5.509182 4.568471 0.0011193727 0.9999325
12563 12563 0.2087823 5.555015 4.517547 0.0012085463 0.9999325
29041 29041 -0.1691662 5.467616 -4.501427 0.0012383247 0.9999325
8086 8086 -0.2228617 6.070106 -4.489329 0.0012611850 0.9999325
286 286 0.1975515 6.102632 4.480072 0.0012789776 0.9999325
47658 47658 0.2078376 5.293210 4.459124 0.0013202373 0.9999325
> top2 <- topTable(fitContr2, coef= 2, number = 20, adjust= "BH",
> top2
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
23091 23091 0.2354301 5.244294 5.224066 0.0004313957 0.99981
32259 32259 0.2518479 5.332262 5.165712 0.0004684309 0.99981
31838 31838 -0.2355327 5.340717 -5.126989 0.0004948792 0.99981
44090 44090 -0.2251488 5.383418 -5.040692 0.0005597503 0.99981
45163 45163 0.2894191 8.376503 4.892174 0.0006936669 0.99981
33415 33415 0.2636604 5.306506 4.855887 0.0007313444 0.99981
43956 43956 0.2483797 5.346141 4.831985 0.0007573518 0.99981
48396 48396 0.1977520 5.400935 4.678863 0.0009492160 0.99981
35709 35709 -0.5484775 9.632759 -4.643015 0.0010012341 0.99981
23341 23341 0.1741108 5.346627 4.563827 0.0011272060 0.99981
41288 41288 0.3055193 5.338962 4.538377 0.0011711893 0.99981
24890 24890 -0.2025487 5.238161 -4.496772 0.0012470673 0.99981
47443 47443 0.1997024 5.298141 4.381631 0.0014855767 0.99981
13408 13408 -0.2320642 5.335356 -4.380533 0.0014880710 0.99981
19419 19419 0.2029474 5.785537 4.364322 0.0015254257 0.99981
33589 33589 0.1680122 5.321035 4.329689 0.0016086005 0.99981
21838 21838 0.2162749 6.009970 4.308605 0.0016615763 0.99981
28720 28720 0.2007788 5.305068 4.288266 0.0017144334 0.99981
32627 32627 -0.1571718 5.386997 -4.279245 0.0017384451 0.99981
36979 36979 -0.1851754 5.272498 -4.249410 0.0018204265 0.99981
> top3 <- topTable(fitContr2, coef= 3, number = 20, adjust= "BH",
> top3
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
20549 20549 -0.2562633 5.297783 -5.787760 0.0001995769 0.9998617
46835 46835 -0.2730167 5.579581 -5.741662 0.0002122093 0.9998617
18794 18794 0.2400783 5.352057 5.411186 0.0003323510 0.9998617
15282 15282 -0.3525527 5.574132 -5.284227 0.0003964783 0.9998617
19419 19419 -0.2395820 5.785537 -5.152140 0.0004775244 0.9998617
31093 31093 0.2084498 5.679371 5.033290 0.0005657241 0.9998617
14231 14231 0.1895001 5.504983 4.938160 0.0006488719 0.9998617
13615 13615 0.2638662 5.282304 4.835343 0.0007536390 0.9998617
24296 24296 0.1750666 5.267973 4.828252 0.0007615022 0.9998617
14926 14926 -0.2954851 5.358565 -4.734460 0.0008741543 0.9998617
29229 29229 0.2305711 5.673516 4.731604 0.0008778519 0.9998617
31572 31572 -0.1835065 5.353449 -4.668348 0.0009641692 0.9998617
10319 10319 0.2386456 6.346361 4.649946 0.0009909460 0.9998617
32211 32211 0.2222265 5.483684 4.619019 0.0010377456 0.9998617
20957 20957 0.1950235 5.440708 4.599657 0.0010682380 0.9998617
31581 31581 -0.2053997 5.378321 -4.592595 0.0010795955 0.9998617
31817 31817 0.1761750 5.382717 4.575112 0.0011082689 0.9998617
12484 12484 -0.2067044 5.545403 -4.500002 0.0012409931 0.9998617
29205 29205 0.2347584 5.334616 4.457761 0.0013229690 0.9998617
32048 32048 0.1927972 5.312840 4.436783 0.0013658003 0.9998617
> ############################## Pair
> targets <- readTargets("targets2.txt")
> targets
FileName Donor Treatment
1 File1 29 NG
2 File2 34 NG
3 File3 30 NG
4 File4 30 HG
5 File5 29 HG
6 File6 34 HG
7 File7 29 NGbenfo
8 File8 34 NGbenfo
9 File9 30 NGbenfo
10 File10 30 HGbenfo
11 File11 29 HGbenfo
12 File12 34 HGbenfo
> Target <- factor(targets$Donor)
> Target
[1] 29 34 30 30 29 34 29 34 30 30 29 34
Levels: 29 30 34
> Treat <- factor(targets$Treatment,
> Treat
[1] NG NG NG HG HG HG NGbenfo NGbenfo
NGbenfo HGbenfo HGbenfo HGbenfo
Levels: NG HG NGbenfo HGbenfo
> design <- model.matrix(~-1+Treat)
> design
TreatNG TreatHG TreatNGbenfo TreatHGbenfo
1 1 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0
4 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 0 0
6 0 1 0 0
7 0 0 1 0
8 0 0 1 0
9 0 0 1 0
10 0 0 0 1
11 0 0 0 1
12 0 0 0 1
[1] 1 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"
> fit <- lmFit(dataSet_Norm_exp_log2, design)
> fit2 <- eBayes(fit)
> top1 <- topTable(fit2, coef= 1, number = 20, adjust= "BH",
> top1
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
29377 29377 14.91596 14.92944 516.8806 7.735991e-23 3.558893e-18
7792 7792 14.77356 14.80328 467.7334 2.036389e-22 3.558893e-18
46748 46748 14.54269 14.56708 453.1413 2.768223e-22 3.558893e-18
7793 7793 14.90254 14.90698 441.9898 3.523945e-22 3.558893e-18
28882 28882 14.28753 14.29856 435.5766 4.059943e-22 3.558893e-18
33208 33208 14.14750 14.13732 426.6177 4.965377e-22 3.558893e-18
28580 28580 14.87370 14.83600 424.1510 5.252285e-22 3.558893e-18
41917 41917 14.03380 14.05301 419.5783 5.833773e-22 3.558893e-18
4769 4769 14.41497 14.44560 410.1179 7.276004e-22 3.945535e-18
41907 41907 13.77121 13.74080 400.9056 9.067137e-22 4.313991e-18
26904 26904 14.29154 14.33758 398.0242 9.723362e-22 4.313991e-18
46749 46749 14.50236 14.47209 393.3830 1.089334e-21 4.430320e-18
29730 29730 14.34559 14.32901 383.3841 1.397896e-21 5.020324e-18
42046 42046 14.48283 14.51144 380.4832 1.504625e-21 5.020324e-18
43841 43841 13.71735 13.74382 378.2740 1.591940e-21 5.020324e-18
41965 41965 14.45261 14.38145 376.9752 1.645873e-21 5.020324e-18
42047 42047 14.37644 14.35028 372.5960 1.843121e-21 5.216996e-18
42019 42019 14.27887 14.32325 370.1575 1.964159e-21 5.216996e-18
32161 32161 13.95997 14.02817 368.8802 2.031041e-21 5.216996e-18
42021 42021 14.23735 14.15566 365.6109 2.213963e-21 5.402512e-18
> top2 <- topTable(fit2, coef= 2, number = 20, adjust= "BH",
> top2
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
29377 29377 14.94293 14.92944 517.8155 7.601752e-23 3.468187e-18
7792 7792 14.81788 14.80328 469.1366 1.978147e-22 3.468187e-18
46748 46748 14.56020 14.56708 453.6869 2.736145e-22 3.468187e-18
7793 7793 14.90254 14.90698 441.9898 3.523945e-22 3.468187e-18
28882 28882 14.31171 14.29856 436.3137 3.993984e-22 3.468187e-18
33208 33208 14.14569 14.13732 426.5633 4.971519e-22 3.468187e-18
28580 28580 14.78715 14.83600 421.6828 5.557769e-22 3.468187e-18
41917 41917 14.07125 14.05301 420.6980 5.685086e-22 3.468187e-18
4769 4769 14.39271 14.44560 409.4848 7.385709e-22 4.005024e-18
41907 41907 13.70521 13.74080 398.9841 9.499104e-22 4.251956e-18
26904 26904 14.31293 14.33758 398.6198 9.583542e-22 4.251956e-18
46749 46749 14.44334 14.47209 391.7820 1.133228e-21 4.608840e-18
29730 29730 14.32854 14.32901 382.9285 1.414093e-21 5.099289e-18
42046 42046 14.51584 14.51144 381.3506 1.471801e-21 5.099289e-18
43841 43841 13.70964 13.74382 378.0612 1.600642e-21 5.099289e-18
41965 41965 14.39025 14.38145 375.3486 1.716279e-21 5.099289e-18
42019 42019 14.38992 14.32325 373.0365 1.822145e-21 5.099289e-18
42047 42047 14.28467 14.35028 370.2178 1.961065e-21 5.099289e-18
32161 32161 13.99289 14.02817 369.7503 1.985216e-21 5.099289e-18
42021 42021 14.15355 14.15566 363.4590 2.344258e-21 5.720459e-18
> top3 <- topTable(fit2, coef= 3, number = 20, adjust= "BH",
> top3
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
29377 29377 14.96991 14.92944 518.7503 7.470078e-23 3.536707e-18
7792 7792 14.83129 14.80328 469.5612 1.960886e-22 3.536707e-18
46748 46748 14.60366 14.56708 455.0410 2.658281e-22 3.536707e-18
7793 7793 14.85291 14.90698 440.5176 3.639697e-22 3.536707e-18
28882 28882 14.30565 14.29856 436.1290 4.010404e-22 3.536707e-18
33208 33208 14.18397 14.13732 427.7176 4.843054e-22 3.536707e-18
28580 28580 14.84366 14.83600 423.2943 5.356163e-22 3.536707e-18
41917 41917 14.04286 14.05301 419.8492 5.797406e-22 3.536707e-18
4769 4769 14.48384 14.44560 412.0774 6.947685e-22 3.767498e-18
41907 41907 13.69640 13.74080 398.7278 9.558428e-22 4.265616e-18
26904 26904 14.30819 14.33758 398.4878 9.614331e-22 4.265616e-18
46749 46749 14.47947 14.47209 392.7620 1.106132e-21 4.498641e-18
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42021 42021 14.15562 14.15566 363.5122 2.340936e-21 5.712351e-18
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23)
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Kingdom.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
attached base packages:
[1] splines tools stats graphics grDevices utils
datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] illuminaHumanv3ProbeID.db_1.1.1 statmod_1.3.6
GOstats_2.6.0 Category_2.6.0
genefilter_1.20.0 survival_2.34-1
[7] RBGL_1.16.0 graph_1.18.1
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[13] AnnotationDbi_1.2.2 RSQLite_0.6-9
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[19] lumi_1.6.2 mgcv_1.4-0
affy_1.18.2 preprocessCore_1.2.0
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loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] cluster_1.11.11
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