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Guido Hooiveld
Last seen 2 days ago
Wageningen University, Wageningen, the …
As you may recall, I am trying to create CEL files from an AffyBatch
object (after having my original CEL files be corrected by
Since my R-skills are very basic, for this I mainly rely on
understanding examples available in vignettes or BioC mailing list...
As suggested, I would like to use the 'createCel' and 'updateCel'
commands from Affxparser.
However, there is one thing in the 'createCel' help page i don't
understand, which has to do with the type of the CEL file
why should the version of the original input CEL files (that are used
template to create the new, updated files) explicity be of version 3
(type = ASCII?)?
After reading the help page I understand that the OUTPUT cannot be
anything else than v4 (type = binary), but what about the input? See
<copy paste="" from="" help="" page="" 'createcel'="">
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Read the CEL header
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
hdr <- readCelHeader(file)
stopifnot(hdr$version == 3)
Guido Hooiveld, PhD
Nutrition, Metabolism & Genomics Group
Division of Human Nutrition
Wageningen University
Biotechnion, Bomenweg 2
NL-6703 HD Wageningen
the Netherlands
tel: (+)31 317 485788
fax: (+)31 317 483342
internet: http://nutrigene.4t.com <http: nutrigene.4t.com=""/>
email: guido.hooiveld@wur.nl
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