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Becky Saunders
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi there,
Could someone help me with the following error when I try to execute
writeReport command using cellHTS2 version 2.4.0, R version 2.7.0.
out <- writeReport(cellHTSlist=list(raw=x),
"raw"), force=TRUE)
Error in plotScreen(ldat, zrange = range(mtW), fill = wellCols, nx =
pdim(x)[["ncol"]], : 'fill' must have length >=2 since it is used to
compute the color ramp that represent the values in z.
I think the problem originates because I have not set a positive
in my plateConf file, as when I run the exact same input files with a
positive control set it works fine. Is it possible to run the analysis
without a positive control set?
Also is it possible to set an argument to not include the
configurationAsScreenPlot figure in the report, as you can do for
plotPlateArgs and imageScreenArgs when you call writeReport?
Many Thanks,
===========R Console =================
> x <- readPlateList("plateList.txt", name="Automated Preliminary
Analysis", path=dataPath)
Automated Preliminary Analysis: found data in 8 x 12 (96 well) format.
Reading 1: plate_1.txt
Read 1 plates.
> descripFile = file.path(dataPath, "description.txt")
> confFile= file.path(dataPath, "plateConf.txt")
> x <- configure(x, confFile=confFile, descripFile=descripFile)
> out <- writeReport(cellHTSlist=list(raw=x),
"raw"), force=TRUE)
Error in plotScreen(ldat, zrange = range(mtW), fill = wellCols, nx =
pdim(x)[["ncol"]], :
'fill' must have length >=2 since it is used to compute the color
that represent the values in z.
High Throughput Screening Laboratory
London Research Institute
Cancer Research UK
Tel No. +44 (0)207 269 3159
Fax No +44 (0) 207 269 3581
<http: www.cancerresearchuk.org=""/>
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