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laurent buffat
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear all,
Affymetrix provied a new SpikeIn data Sets
But, this data sets requires a special, alternate chip description
because there is eight artificial clones
And when I try to load/bg correct and normalise the data in R, I have
error at the bg.correct step :
> exp <- ReadAffy(filenames=list.cel,phenoData=phenodata,verbose=T)
Ok, no problem
> exp <- bg.correct(exp, method = "rma",verbose=T)
Sample : 1Error in .local(object, ...) : Information about probe
for unknown could not be found.
Try downloading the unknowncdf package from
The correct CDF is available at affymetrix.
I have try to put this CDF in the data directory (as it was necessary
in the
first version of affy), but it doesn' work.
How I can read this data with affy ?
Thanks for your help.
L. Buffat