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Last seen 10.4 years ago
Hi Wolfgang,
Many thanks for your rapid reply.
Your code appears to work!
Best regards,
Yong Zhang
Ph.D, Research Scholar
Manyuan Long's Lab
University of Chicago
From: Wolfgang Huber
Time: 2008-03-03 11:02:55
To: pkuonline at gmail.com bioconductor
Subject: Re: [BioC] How to remove some probes from one probeset in the
03/03/2008 04:42 pkuonline scripsit
> Dear All,
> Taking HG-U133_PLUS_2 as an example, one probeset consists of 11
individual probes. I'd like to exclude few non-specific probes from
one probeset for genes of interest before the subsequent all analysis.
I searched the Archive. It seemed I need to generate a customized CDF
file. I am just wondering whether there are some relatively simple
methods. If not, could someone show how to modify the pre-existing HG-
U133_PLUS_2 CDF file to exclude few probes?
> Many thanks ahead.
> Best regards,
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Yong Zhang
> Ph.D, Research Scholar
> Manyuan Long's Lab
> University of Chicago
Dear Yong
suppose you want to remove the 4-th probe in probeset 1552391_at, then
the code would be about as follows. You will need to do this after
attaching the hgu133plus2cdf package and before calling functions like
> library("hgu133plus2cdf")
> ls(hgu133plus2cdf)[100]
[1] "1552391_at"
> hgu133plus2cdf$"1552391_at"
pm mm
[1,] 618104 619268
[2,] 216159 217323
[3,] 353306 354470
[4,] 165282 166446
[5,] 658545 659709
[6,] 704429 705593
[7,] 867194 868358
[8,] 541423 542587
[9,] 932914 934078
[10,] 362488 363652
[11,] 1002956 1004120
> hgu133plus2cdf$"1552391_at" = hgu133plus2cdf$"1552391_at"[-4,]
> hgu133plus2cdf$"1552391_at"
pm mm
[1,] 618104 619268
[2,] 216159 217323
[3,] 353306 354470
[4,] 658545 659709
[5,] 704429 705593
[6,] 867194 868358
[7,] 541423 542587
[8,] 932914 934078
[9,] 362488 363652
[10,] 1002956 1004120
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.7.0 Under development (unstable) (2008-03-02 r44660)
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] hgu133plus2cdf_2.0.0 fortunes_1.3-4
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.7.0
Best wishes
Wolfgang Huber EBI/EMBL Cambridge UK http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber