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Daniel Gatti
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I'm trying to get text descriptions of PFAM family names from the PFAM
package. I've tried to run the example code from the pfamAC2PDB help.
> AC2DE <- pfamAC2DE()
> head(AC2DE)
[1] "14-3-3 protein"
> pfamAC2DE(ac=sample(names(AC2DE), 3))
Error in sample(names(AC2DE), 3) :
cannot take a sample larger than the population when 'replace =
> length(AC2DE)
[1] 1
> names(AC2DE)
[1] "PF00244"
It seems that the list contains only one value. How do I get
descriptions for all of the PFAM families?
Dan Gatti