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Chanchal Kumar
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear Bioconductor Developers and Users,
I have a custom annotation package which I created using
package. The package named "ipihs324" has annotation for IPI
and contains mappings to Entrez ids in the environment variable
Now when I provide this environment directly like :
l <- mget("IPI00000948",ipihs324ENTREZID,ifnotfound=list("FALSE"))
then I get result.
> l
[1] 26608
But if I try as following:
> env<-paste("ipihs324","ENTREZID",sep="")
> l <- mget("IPI00000948",env,ifnotfound=list("FALSE"))
I get this error:
Error in mget("IPI00000948", env, ifnotfound = list("FALSE")) :
second argument must be an environment
As I want to write a generic code for loading any data package and
retrieve its environment for Entrez ids mappings, so I need to do it
this second way. Can anyone suggest how to convert the string type to
environment type? I have tried as.environment() but that too doesn't
work. Any suggestions and comments will be very helpful.
Best Regards,
Chanchal Kumar, Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Proteomics and Signal Transduction
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Am Klopferspitz 18
82152 D-Martinsried (near Munich)
e-mail: chanchal at biochem.mpg.de
Phone: (Office) +49 (0) 89 8578 2296
Fax:(Office) +49 (0) 89 8578 2219