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Stefan Thomsen
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear all,
I am trying to create pairs plots with two different panel functions
creating MvA and XY scatterplots, respectively.
In this context I ran into two problems:
1)I did not manage to assign separate xlim, ylim values to both
This is what I tried:
panel.mva = function (x, y, ...) { m <- x - y a <- (x + y)/2
ma.plot(a, m,
show.statistics = FALSE, span = 2/3, plot.method="add", ylim=c(-4,4))
panel.lines <- function(x, y, ...) {
points(x, y)}
pairs(matr[gvIndex, c(1,28)],
upper.panel= panel.mva, lower.panel=panel.lines, gap=0,
Each panel function for itself works just fine outside pairs(), using
pairs() I always end up with the same ylim in both upper and lower
panel. I
tried to look at the code for pairs() and ma.plot() but could not
out the reason for this.
2)The ma.plot help page indicates that the plot.method argument has to
set to "add" if the MvA plot is to be added to an existing plot like
in my
case; and indeed, setting it to "smoothScatter", leads to an error
Error in pairs.default(matr[gvIndex, c(1, 28)], panel = panel.mva) :
the 'panel' function made a new plot
The MA plot is not positioned properly and 'jumps' to the next matrix
Is there a possibility to use smoothscatter in conjunction with
pairs()? I
tried to assign add=T to ma.plot() in my panel.mva function which did
Any hints or recommendations would be highly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Dr. Stefan Thomsen
Research Associate
Department of Zoology
University of Cambridge
Downing Street
Cambridge CB2 3EJ
Tel.: +44 1223 336623
Fax: +44 1223 336679
stt26 at cam.ac.uk