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Guiyuan Lei
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear all,
I am analyzing microarray data for Affymetrix yeast2 chip, I know that
there are two organisms pombe and cerevisiae on this chip. I need to
filter out pombe probesets. There are total 10928 probesets on yeast2
chip. How can I know which probeset is corresponding to pombe and
which probeset is corresponding to cerevisiae?
(1) I could get a list of probeset ID and genename from library
"yeast2" (R command: as.list(yeast2GENENAME)), that is 6356 probesets.
Are these 6356 probesets Cerevisiae probesets?
(2) After I updated Bioconductor today, I found that the
"yeast2GENENAME" contains total 10928 probesets! In latest version of
Bioconductor, all probesets on yeast2 chip are included in
"yeast2GENENAME", but there is no information about which probeset is
pombe and which one is cerevisiae. Is there any new library/function
which I can use to separate these 10928 probesets into cerevisie
probesets and pombe ones?
Many thanks!
Best regards,