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Dear Dorthe,
The arrayWeights() function does allow you to combine array weights
with spot weights. You are expected to combine the weight analysis
with the most correct design matrix, so including a dye-swap effect
in the design matrix is perfectly appropriate. So, no problems so far.
On the other hand, any spot weight system which removes 70% of your
data is bound to lead to problems down the track, whatever you do.
Why do you feel you need to do this?
Most of the spots which are flagged by GenePix are flagged simply
because they are faint, rather than because of any other quality
considerations. Since you are using normexp, which prevents low
intensity spots giving over-variable log-ratios, there is no good
reason for you to filter out these spots. In most case it would be
better to simply ignore the GenePix flags, and keep all your spots in
the analysis.
If you feel uncomfortable with this, you could check the GenePix
flags to see if any spots are flagged for reasons other than
faintness (Flag < -50). But please don't filter out spots just
because they are faint. This goes against all Bioconductor
Best wishes
>Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 17:21:09 +0100 (CET)
>From: dorthe.belgardt at medisin.uio.no
>Subject: [BioC] Limma: how to combine duplicateCorrelation, dyeeffect
> and arrayweights?
>To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
>I am quite insecure if some parts of the analyis I did in Limma are
>correct and I would highly appreciate if someone could take a look
>give advice. My main concern is that I may not use the
>duplicatecorrelation, dyeeffect,arrayweights and spotweights
>The arrays I use are printed in duplicates with a spacing of 15000
>30000 features in total), and I did the imageprocessing in
>Thereby I flagged all spots close to backgroundsignal and with a rgn
><0.5 bad, and only 30% of my data remain unflagged.
>And this is what I did using Limma:
> > targets=readTargets("Targets_basicSat.txt")
> > targets
> SlideNumber FileName Cy3 Cy5
>1 1 3096_basicSat.gpr ref A
>2 2 3079_basicSat.gpr A ref
>3 3 3089_basicSat.gpr ref A
>4 4 3081_basicSat.gpr A ref
>5 5 3071_basicSat.gpr ref B
>6 6 3082_basicSat.gpr B ref
>7 7 3085_basicSat.gpr ref B
>8 8 8268_basicSat.gpr B ref
>9 9 7829_basicSat.gpr ref C
>10 10 3086_basicSat.gpr C ref
>11 11 7823_basicSat.gpr ref C
>12 12 7826_basicSat.gpr C ref
>13 13 3090_basicSat.gpr ref D
>14 14 3091_basicSat.gpr D ref
>15 15 3092_basicSat.gpr ref D
>16 16 7827_basicSat.gpr D ref
>Every other slide is a dyeswapped technical replicate and per "group"
>(A,B,C,D) there are 2 biological replicates.
> > K=read.maimages(targets$FileName, source="genepix.median",
> > types=readSpotTypes("SpottypesGAPDH.txt")
> > Status=controlStatus(types, K)
> > K$genes$Status=Status
> > K3=backgroundCorrect(K, method=?normexp?, offset=50)
> > K3=normalizeWithinArrays(K3, method="median")
> > K3a=normalizeBetweenArrays(K3, method="quantile")
> > design=modelMatrix(targets, ref="ref")
> > design
> A B C D
> [1,] 1 0 0 0
> [2,] -1 0 0 0
> [3,] 1 0 0 0
> [4,] -1 0 0 0
> [5,] 0 1 0 0
> [6,] 0 -1 0 0
> [7,] 0 1 0 0
> [8,] 0 -1 0 0
> [9,] 0 0 1 0
>[10,] 0 0 -1 0
>[11,] 0 0 1 0
>[12,] 0 0 -1 0
>[13,] 0 0 0 1
>[14,] 0 0 0 -1
>[15,] 0 0 0 1
>[16,] 0 0 0 -1
>Since I am expecting a non-negligible dyeeffect I created an other
>designmatrix and the following contrastMatrix:
> >design1=cbind(DyeEffect=1, design)
> >design.cont=makeContrasts("A", ?B?, ?A-B", levels=design1)
>Next I estimate the correlation of within-array-duplicates:
> >cor=duplicateCorrelation(K3b, design=design1, ndups=2,
>My first question is: is it correct to use here the designmatrix for
>dyeeffect (design1 in this case)?
>When fitting the linear model, I also want to use arrayweights,
>with spotweights. So I gave following commands:
> > aw=arrayWeights(K3b, design=design1)
> > w=matvec(K3b$weights, aw)
>Again the question: is it correct to use here the "design1"-matrix
>considering the dyeeffect?
>Then I fit the linear model:
> >fit=lmFit(K3b, design=design1, ndups=2, spacing=15000,
> >fit1=contrasts.fit(fit, design.cont)
> >eb=eBayes(fit1)
>Another thing I am worried about is that taking into account the
>plus arrayweights plus spotweights might be a bit "too much"? Like in
>way "overtransforming" my data? Especially since approx 70% of my
>have a spotweight of zero. Might it be better to use the spotweight
of 0,1
>for bad spots, so that I do not loose the data completely?
>My apologies for this long email, I tried hard to find out the
answers for
>myself reading the limmaguide and lots of other documents I found
>googleing, but still feel quite "stuck" in my analysis process.
>Thanks very much for any kind of help in advance!
>Best regards
>Dorthe Belgardt
>Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
>Department of Physiology
>P.O. Box 1103 Blindern
>0317 Oslo