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Wolfgang Huber
Last seen 19 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
Meeting announcement and invitation for registration:
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK
High Dimensional Statistics in Biology
(31 March to 4 April 2008)
in association with the Newton Institute programme "Statistical Theory
and Methods for Complex, High-Dimensional Data" (7 January to 27 June
Workshop Organisers: Peter Bickel (UC Berkeley), Ewan Birney (EBI),
Wolfgang Huber (EBI) and Richard Durbin (Sanger Institute)
Theme of Workshop: The study of biological systems has been
revolutionized by the advent of large scale systematic data gathering.
An increasing number of complex datasets inform our biological
understanding of both the normal workings of organisms in biology and
processes which cause disease.
The analysis of these datasets, which has become an increasingly
important part of biology, poses a number of interesting statistical
problems, largely driven by the complex inter-relationships between
measurements. The size and complexity of these datasets make even
adaptation of existing statistical techniques to biological problems
novel. In some cases, the development of entirely new statistical
methods is necessary. Methods developed and developing for high
dimensional (large p) and possibly small sample size (small n)
seem particularly germane.
In this workshop we aim to provide a collegial, interdisciplinary
of statisticians and biologists to exchanges ideas and challenges at
Newton Institute in Cambridge UK. Drawing on both nearby expertise at
the Hinxton Campus (the EBI and the Sanger Institute) and worldwide
expertise in statistics the workshop will involve 45-50 minute
talks from both biologists and statisticians and less structured,
collaboration based time as well as a possible poster session.
Confirmed Speakers: J Ahringer (Cambridge), N Beerenwinkel(ETH
P Bertone (EMBL-EBI), E Birney (EMBL-EBI), P Bickel (Berkeley), P
Buehlmann (ETH Zurich), S Brunak (Denmark), ML Bulyk (Harvard),
D.Clayton (MRC Cambridge), G Crawford (Duke), M Dermitzakis (Sanger,
Cambridge), R Durbin (Sanger, Cambridge), A Enright (Sanger,
A Fraser (Sanger, Cambridge), W Huber (EMBL-EBI), M Hurles (Sanger,
Cambridge), N Luscombe (EBI, Cambridge), EM Marcotte (Texas at
E Margulies (NHGRI), G McLachlan (Queensland), G McVean(Oxford), L
Pachter (Berkeley), E Segal (Weizmann, Israel), M West (Duke)
Further Information and Application Forms are available at:
Closing Date for the receipt of applications is 30 November 2007