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Hi everybody,
I have recently installed oneChannelGUI and all the Affymetrix Power
Tools (apt-1.6.0) in a PC. The installation went OK. I am trying to
analyze Affymetrix Rat exon chips, I wanted to import CEL files and
apply iter-plier for gene level and rma-sketch for exon level
summaries. After defining all the paths (ATP, library, working
and targets file) and the summarization method, I've got the
error reports in the R console and the CEL files were not imported.
Gene level probe sets summary started
Gene level probe sets summary ended
Error in as.matrix(my.exons) :
no function to return from, jumping to top level
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In system(gene.iterplier, wait = T) : C:/Program not found
2: In dir(tempOut) :
list.files: 'D:/Researchers/Weizmann Institute/Biological
chemistry/.../out72ae2cd6' is not a readable directory
3: In file(file, "r") :
cannot open file 'D:/Researchers/Weizmann Institute/Biological
chemistry/.../out72ae2cd6/', reason 'No such file or directory'
Do anybody has any idea what went wrong and how to repair it?
Ester Feldmesser, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics Unit, Department of Biological Services
Weizmann Institute of Science
Levine Building, Room 110
phone: +972-8-934-2614
email: ester.feldmesser at weizmann.ac.il