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Al Ivens
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I have a whole pile of 2-colour arrays done with Cy3 genomic DNA, and
Cy5 cDNA. There are 7 "test" samples, each done in triplicate against
the genomic DNA (so 21 slides). I have seen a previous posting from
Jenny about how to analyse these kinds of hybes, and followed her
The scans are unprocessed BlueFuse, but bg has already been
> red_green <-
+ weights="CONFIDENCE",quality="QUALITY"))
Although boxplots of the various slides for the two channels indicate
pretty reasonable degree of similarity within a channel, the two
channels as a whole were quite difft:
> summary(as.vector(log2(red_green$R)))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1.157 7.381 8.700 9.016 10.600 16.420
> summary(as.vector(log2(red_green$G)))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1.820 7.666 10.380 10.020 12.470 16.370
Despite this, I proceeded anyway:
> ## as Cy3 is gDNA in the ref channel, don't do NWA
> NBA <- normalizeBetweenArrays(red_green,method="Gquantile")
> ## get back the R and G values after Gq normalisation
All Cy3 distributions were now identical, as expected, and the Cy5
channel had also been modified:
> summaryas.vectorlog2NBA.RG.MA$G)))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
3.038 7.580 10.400 10.020 12.440 15.600
> summaryas.vectorlog2NBA.RG.MA$R)))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.8795 7.3940 8.7480 9.0160 10.5700 17.4500
> ## create a MAList to manipulate
> NBA.fake <- NBA
> ## replace the M values with the log2(R) values
> NBA.fake$M <- log2NBA.RG.MA$R)
I then did fitting, using a design matrix of the ref="gDNA" kind, with
contrast matrix for the cDNAx vs cDNAy comparisons
> NBA.fakefit <- lmFit(NBA.fake$M, design=designMATRIX, method="ls")
> NBA.fakecontrastsFit <- contrasts.fit(NBA.fakefit,contrasts)
> eBNBA.fakecontrastsFit <- eBayes(NBA.fakecontrastsFit)
I then looked at the coefficients of the eBayesed contrast fit object:
> for(i in 1:length(colnames(contrasts)))
+ {
+ cat("Contrast",i," ",summary(eBNBA.fakecontrastsFit$coeff[,i]),"\n")
+ }
## individual cDNAs (cDNA1, 2 etc)
min 25% median mean 75% max
Contrast 1 5.417 8.538 9.79 9.873 10.99 16.23
Contrast 2 4.426 6.867 8.623 8.798 10.46 15.58
Contrast 3 4.623 7.26 8.606 8.951 10.37 15.92
Contrast 4 5.175 7.626 8.853 9.323 10.72 16.52
Contrast 5 3.928 7.175 8.864 9.073 10.71 15.63
Contrast 6 4.167 7.269 8.264 8.848 10.29 16.34
Contrast 7 3.948 6.381 7.956 8.244 9.824 15.58
## the various comparisons (cDNA2-cDNA1 etc)
Contrast 8 -5.773 -1.626 -0.9606 -1.074 -0.3976 1.715
Contrast 9 -5.591 -1.427 -0.8069 -0.9218 -0.338 3.098
Contrast 10 -4.329 -1.008 -0.4586 -0.5496 -0.04331 2.093
Contrast 11 -4.698 -1.427 -0.7426 -0.7994 -0.159 2.631
Contrast 12 -6.275 -1.857 -0.9168 -1.025 -0.05517 5.511
Contrast 13 -6.746 -2.3 -1.536 -1.629 -0.9041 4.385
Contrast 14 -5.327 -0.209 0.1646 0.1526 0.5908 5.481
Contrast 15 -2.688 0.1018 0.4627 0.5249 0.9155 6.033
Contrast 16 -3.462 -0.1604 0.2428 0.275 0.7153 6.032
Many of the medians are well below zero, and of course, the output
topTable is almost exclusively negative logFC. This doesnt make sense
biologically. Contrast 8 is cDNA2-cDNA1, with cDNA1 the "RNA
biologically speaking (cDNA2-7 are all single gene mutants).
"Unfortunately", the median value for the cDNA1 coeff is quite a bit
larger than the others, so I think this is skewing most of the
(i.e. I dont think there is a wholesale reduction of transcription in
the other mutants). What could/should I do about it? I have
contemplated normalizeQuantiles of the red channel after the Gquantile
has been done (i.e. before fitting), but not sure whether that is a
valid thing to do. Would a single channel analysis be more
Thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27)
LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
Kingdom.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
attached base packages:
[1] "tools" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils"
[6] "datasets" "methods" "base"
other attached packages:
geneplotter annotate Biobase gplots gdata
"1.14.0" "1.14.1" "1.14.1" "2.3.2" "2.3.1"
lattice MASS statmod sma limma
"0.16-2" "7.2-35" "1.3.0" "0.5.15" "2.10.0"
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is operated by Genome Research
Limited, a charity registered in England with number 1021457 and a
company registered in England with number 2742969, whose registered
office is 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE.