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melany black
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear all,
I tried to build an annotation package using
AnnBuilder and YeastPkgBuilder function.
I think I'm close to the end now, but I steel have
some errors I don't really understand...
Here's the code I used:
> library("AnnBuilder")
> read.table(file.path(.path.package("AnnBuilder"),
"data", "sgdid"),sep = "\t", header = FALSE, as.is =
V1 V2
1 A_75_P0000001 TEL01L
2 A_75_P0000002 YAL067W-A
3 A_75_P0000003 YAL067C
4 A_75_P0000004 YAL067C
5 A_75_P0000005 YAL067C
> myBase <- file.path(.path.package("AnnBuilder"),
"data", "sgdid")
>myDir <- tempdir()
= "1.1.0",author = list(authors = "Mel", maintainer
="Mel <melany.black at="" yahoo.fr="">"),fromWeb=TRUE)
I got the final annotation package, install it to R
rcmd build yeastAgilent
rcmd build --binary yeastAgilent
I tried to check the library, everything worked well
except the following error :
Problem number 1 :
'yeastAgilentLOCUSID' is deprecated
rather use 'yeastAgilentENTREZID'
see help("Deprecated")
In fact help("Deprecated") didn't help me at all!
Here's what my package looks like :
> library("yeastAgilent")
> yeastAgilent()
Quality control information for yeastAgilent
Date built: Created: Tue Aug 21 18:50:18 2007
Number of probes: 41419
Probe number missmatch: yeastAgilentALIAS;
yeastAgilentCHR; yeastAgilentCHRLOC;
yeastAgilentDESCRIPTION; yeastAgilentENZYME;
yeastAgilentGENENAME; yeastAgilentGO; yeastAgilentORF;
yeastAgilentPATH; yeastAgilentPMID
Probe missmatch: None
Mappings found for probe based rda files:
yeastAgilentALIAS found 1800 of 41419
yeastAgilentCHR found 5653 of 41419
yeastAgilentCHRLOC found 4968 of 41419
yeastAgilentDESCRIPTION found 5653 of 41419
yeastAgilentENZYME found 814 of 41419
yeastAgilentGENENAME found 4634 of 41419
yeastAgilentGO found 5653 of 41419
yeastAgilentORF found 6934 of 41419
yeastAgilentPATH found 1190 of 41419
yeastAgilentPMID found 5560 of 41419
Mappings found for non-probe based rda files:
yeastAgilentCHRLENGTHS found 17
yeastAgilentENZYME2PROBE found 475
yeastAgilentGO2ALLPROBES found 4404
yeastAgilentGO2PROBE found 2991
yeastAgilentORGANISM found 1
yeastAgilentPATH2PROBE found 99
yeastAgilentPMID2PROBE found 42190
- Problem number 2 : the number of probe should be
41418 and not 41419 (I checked my base file, it has
41418 lines)
- Problem number 3 : very few probes have been
annotated (1800 out of 41419 I guess)
for example if I do:
> sapply(flds,function(x) lookUp(g, "yeastAgilent",
> }
> getinf("A_75_P0006546")
[1] NA
[1] NA
[1] NA
I just get a bunch of "NA"s, except for a very few
number of probes.
- Problem number 4 : YeastPkgBuilder doesn't create
"yeastAgilentSYMBOL". It seems like this is always the
case with this function.
How can I overcome this? Because if I want to plot my
probes on the chromosome using geneplotter, I get an
> library("geneplotter")
> chrLoc=buildChromLocation("yeastAgilent")
Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) :
"yeastAgilentSYMBOL" not found
That's a real problem, because quite all the purpose
of creating an annotation package was for using
Here's my sessionInfo:
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27)
attached base packages:
[1] "tools" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices"
"utils" "datasets" "methods" "base"
other attached packages:
hgu95av2 geneplotter lattice annotate
Biobase yeastAgilent
"1.16.0" "1.16.0" "1.14.0" "1.9-0"
"1.16.0" "1.14.0" "0.16-3" "1.14.1"
"1.14.1" "1.1.0"
Thanks for any comment.