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Sophie Gallina
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I have problems with some exonmap functions :
I made test for the functions X.to.Y described in the page
using ensembl ID for TP53 gene.
probeset.to.exon and exon.to.probeset work fine,
the other functions do not work, that is
probeset.to.transcript, probeset.to.gene,
exon.to.transcript, exon.to.gene
transcript.to.exon, transcript.to.probeset, transcript.to.gene
gene.to.exon, gene.to.probeset
symbol.to.probeset, symbol.to.gene
plot.gene don't work neither.
What I am missing ?
Sophie Gallina
Here is the trace of the execution
R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27)
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> library(exonmap)
Le chargement a n?cessit? le package : affy
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> xmapDatabase("Human")
Switching to human database...
> # the probeset 3102398 is in TP53 gene
> # ENSG00000141510 : ensembl gene ID for TP53
> # ENST00000269305 : one of the ensembl Transcript ID for TP53
> # ENSE00000697174 : one of the ensembl exon ID for TP53
> # the 2 next functions are OK
> probeset.to.exon("3102398")
[1] "ENSE00000697174"
> exon.to.probeset("ENSE00000697174")
[1] "3102398"
> # next ones don't work
> probeset.to.transcript("3102398");
[1] NA
> probeset.to.gene("3102398");
[1] NA
> exon.to.transcript("ENSE00000697174")
[1] NA
> exon.to.gene("ENSE00000697174")
[1] NA
> transcript.to.exon("ENST00000269305")
> transcript.to.probeset("ENST00000269305")
> transcript.to.gene("ENST00000269305")
> gene.to.exon("ENSG00000141510")
> gene.to.probeset("ENSG00000141510")
> symbol.to.probeset("TP53",
> symbol.to.gene("TP53")
> plot.gene("ENSG00000141510")
Erreur dans apply(all.probes[all.probes[, 5] != 1, ], 1, function(p) {
dim(X) doit avoir un longueur positive
Ex?cution arr?t?e
Sophie.Gallina at good.ibl.fr
CNRS UMR 8090 - http://www-good.ibl.fr
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