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Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear all,
I'm trying to run the Annbuilder package to build an annotation file
I obtain the message below; any help would be very much appreciated.
thank you in advance
> myBase <- file.path("/home", "data", "geneNMap")
> myBaseType <- "gb"
> mySrcUrls <- getSrcUrl("all", "Homo sapiens")
> myDir <- c("/home")
> ABPkgBuilder(baseName = myBase, srcUrls = mySrcUrls, baseMapType =
myBaseType, pkgName = "Bioc_WG-6_anno", pkgPath = myDir, organism =
"Homo sapiens", version = "1.1.0",
+ author = list(authors = "FMB", maintainer ="FMB"), fromWeb = T)
Attaching package: 'GO'
The following object(s) are masked from package:AnnBuilder :
Error in parseKEGGGenome(url = kegggenomeUrl) :
Faild to obtain KEGG organism code
Dr. Francesca Meteora Buffa, Ph.D.
Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine
Cancer Research UK laboratories
University of Oxford
Oxford, OX3 9DS
United Kingdom
E-mail: francesca.buffa at imm.ox.ac.uk
Tel. +44(0)1865 222443
Fax. +44(0)1865 222737