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Paquet, Agnes
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear Birger,
I just tried the code from the book on R 2.4.0 and R 2.5.0 and I was
not able to reproduce the error you are mentionning. My Bioconductor
installation on R2.4.0 is the following:
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
attached base packages:
[1] "grid" "tools" "tcltk" "methods" "stats"
[6] "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets" "base"
other attached packages:
beta7 arrayQuality RColorBrewer gridBase hexbin
"0.6.0" "1.11.3" "0.2-3" "0.4-3" "1.8.0"
colorspace lattice convert marray tkWidgets
"0.95" "0.14-9" "1.8.0" "1.13.5" "1.12.1"
DynDoc widgetTools Biobase limma
"1.12.0" "1.10.0" "1.12.2" "2.8.1"
Could you please email us the result of sessionInfo() on your machine
so that we can try to reproduce the error you noticed?
The package limma has changed since the book was published, and the
column header of the result table generated by topTable are different
from the book example. You can find out more on the output from
topTable by looking at the help file for this function: ?topTable.
The "P.Value" column that you can see in the book example is the p
value for each gene, adjusted for multiple testing. The corresponding
column of the new version of topTable would be the column "adj.P.Val",
generated using Bonferroni correction.
From: bioconductor-bounces@stat.math.ethz.ch on behalf of Hauchecorne
Sent: Thu 4/19/2007 6:11 AM
To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
Cc: birgerhauchecorne at hotmail.com
Subject: [BioC] marray and limma error with lmFit
I've got a little problem with lmFit and I was hoping you could help
I'm following a book in order to analyse microarray data. The book I
follow is "Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions Using R
and Bioconductor" by Gentleman et al.. More precise chapter 4
"Preprocessing Two-Color Spotted Arrays" by Yang and Paquet.
In order to get used to the protocol, I followed the example used in
the book.
These are the procedures used:
And then in the book, they used this:
Error in fit$Amean <- rowMeans(unwrapdups(object at maA, ndups =
ndups, spacing = spacing), :
object "fit" not found
giving me an error.
I searched for this in the net, and found a solution from you
So I could continue with
Error in order(na.last, decreasing, ...) :
argument 1 is not a vector
giving me another error. I can't sort by M (a parameter I need)
By sorting on another parameter ("T" for example), I could generate a
list nonetheless. In the book there was a solution for the analysis,
so I checked it with the list I found. Oddly enough the values found
for "M" in the book where equal to my "logFC" values, unfortunately I
couldn't sort on "logFC".
Another odd thing that I found was the the resulting P.Value from the
book (which was 1 for the significant cases), was different from my
P.Values (although the genes are the same). Most of the time where it
was supposed to be 1, I became 0. Unfortunately again, not all the
time, so it was impossible to tell where it was correct.
I'm now thinking that the cause of this problem can be found in the
solution you guys gave for the first problem (>LMres<-lmFit(as(normdat
I was hoping you could help me with my problem why these P.values are
different, and where is my "M" column?
I'm using R 2.4.1. on windows XP having installed bioconductor.
Kind regards and thanks in advance,
Birger Hauchecorne
Senior Student Bio-Engineering at University of Antwerp, Belgium
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