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Paul Shannon
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I use the 'makeGOGraph' function in the GOstats package
to obtain the induced graph for supplied gene IDs. I typically
follow with GOHyperG (now just a wrapper around hyperGTest) to
calculate statistics on the nodes of the induced graph, and
then render everything as a Cytoscape network. This bioc
package is very handy, and popular with many with whom I work.
Occasionally I use the yeast genome and the YEAST
annotation package... which works fine with makeGOGraph and
GOHyperG after I made one tiny change to the former function:
I parameterized the environment consulted for GO annotation.
makeGOGraph <- function (x, Ontology = "MF",
geneName2GO.env = GOENTREZID2GO, removeRoot
match.arg(Ontology, c("MF", "BP", "CC"))
wh <- paste("GO", Ontology, "PARENTS", sep = "")
dataenv = get(wh, mode = "environment")
newNodes <- mget(x, env = geneName2GO.env, ifnotfound = NA)
# newNodes <- mget(x, env = GOENTREZID2GO, ifnotfound = NA)
After this change, I can now call makeGOGraph for yeast:
library (YEAST)
makeGOGraph (c ('YAR007C','YNL312W','YJL173C'), 'MF', YEASTGO)
A graphNEL graph with directed edges
Number of Nodes = 7
Number of Edges = 6
If I am not completely missing the point here, may I ask if it might
be worthwhile to change the signature of this method slightly, to
something like this?
makeGOGraph <- function (x, Ontology = "MF",
geneName2GO.env = GOENTREZID2GO, removeRoot
- Paul