problems with Affy vignette and affybatch objects
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Last seen 7 days ago
United States
Jenny Drnevich <drnevich at=""""> writes: > Hi all, > > [SNIP] > > 'updateObjects' appeared to work fine on my AffyBatch object, but > when for the record, that's 'updateObject' ! > I used it on an exprSet object created by 'gcrma', the updated > object was still an exprSet object. I thought stuff was going to > switch to expressionSet objects - what's the difference between an > exprSet and an expressionSet? Or is this something the casual user > doesn't need to know about for now? Try as(obj, "ExpressionSet"), where 'obj' is the data object you'd like to convert. updateObject doesn't change the class of an object, just tries to make the object consistent with its current class definition. 'as' is changing the object from one class to another. Since exprSet and ExpressionSet are quite different, methods that work on exprSet may not work 'out of the box' on ExpressionSet. As a user trying to get productive work done, you probably don't want to change your entire data collection to ExpressionSet, at least not yet. You might find that newer packages offer methods that expect an ExpressionSet, and at that point 'as' will come in handy. The differences between exprSet and ExpressionSet are largely technical, though the user might expect and appreciate (even if they're not aware of it!) more efficient memory use, 'valid' objects, versioning, extensibility, and a more consistent interface, among other things. Hope that helps, Martin > Thanks, > Jenny > > P.S. I did finally get my own postings to the list, after about 5-8 > hour delay... we'll see how long it take me to get this one! > > > At 05:25 PM 10/30/2006, Martin Morgan wrote: >>Hi Jenny -- >> >>I think the problem is that your data 'raw' was created with R 2.3.1 >>or earlier. R 2.4.0 introduced a change to the way these data >>structures are represented, and unfortunately did so in a way that >>messes up the 'show' methods. Make a backup of your data, then try >>this: >> >>library(affy) >>load("raw.rda") # load your data >>rawUpdt <- updateObject(rawUpdt) >> >>rawUpdt should now behave better. Check it carefully (you might try >>str(rawUpdt) to get an overview of the contents) to see that >>updateObject has not done anything bad -- it's a general purpose >>function from Biobase, rather than a function written to handle >>AffyBatch objects in particular. >> >>The problem with the vignette is that the affybatch.example data is >>also in the old format; we'll try to fix that from this end. >> >>There were some changes to affy in the last release cycle -- these >>were generally documentation changes or bug fixes that appear to be >>minor. More detail can be found in the links from the page at >> >> >> >>Thanks for the report; please let me know if you encounter problems >>updating your data. >> >>Martin >> >>Jenny Drnevich <drnevich at=""""> writes: >> >> > Hi, >> > >> > There's some problem with the default value for affybatch objects (if this >> > is the correct description) that's appeared in affy 1.12.0, which also can >> > be seen in the affy vignette. Previously, when I typed in the name of an >> > affybatch object at the command line, I'd get the same output as if I had >> > put 'show(abatch)': >> > >> > > raw >> > AffyBatch object >> > size of arrays=602x602 features (53806 kb) >> > cdf=RAE230A (15923 affyids) >> > number of samples=19 >> > number of genes=15923 >> > annotation=rae230a >> > >> > > show(raw) >> > AffyBatch object >> > size of arrays=602x602 features (53806 kb) >> > cdf=RAE230A (15923 affyids) >> > number of samples=19 >> > number of genes=15923 >> > annotation=rae230a >> > >> > > sessionInfo() >> > Version 2.3.1 Patched (2006-08-06 r38829) >> > i386-pc-mingw32 >> > >> > attached base packages: >> > [1] "splines" "tools" "methods" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" >> > [7] "utils" "datasets" "base" >> > >> > other attached packages: >> > rae230acdf affyQCReport simpleaffy reposTools made4 >> > "1.12.0" "1.10.0" "2.6.0" "1.10.0" "1.6.0" >> > scatterplot3d ade4 affyPLM gcrma matchprobes >> > "0.3-24" "1.4-1" "1.8.0" "2.4.1" "1.4.0" >> > affydata affycoretools GOstats Category hgu95av2 >> > "1.8.0" "1.4.0" "1.6.0" "1.4.1" "1.12.0" >> > KEGG multtest genefilter survival xtable >> > "1.12.0" "1.10.2" "1.10.1" "2.26" "1.3-2" >> > RBGL annotate GO graph Ruuid >> > "1.8.1" "1.10.0" "1.12.0" "1.10.6" "1.10.0" >> > limma affy affyio Biobase RWinEdt >> > "2.7.9" "1.10.0" "1.0.0" "1.10.1" "1.7-4" >> > >> > However, now when I just type in the name of the affybatch object, the >> > entire contents of the affybatch object is output! (current sessionInfo >> > below). This is also in the vignette (October 3, 2006), on page >> 11-251 (did >> > no one notice the vignette was 271 pages long?!?). I had noticed that the >> > previous vignette from affy 1.10.0 (April 25, 2006) was also 271 >> pages long >> > when called from my installation, but at the time when I went back and >> > checked on the Bioconductor website, the vignette listed there was the >> > right length. I thought the problem had been corrected, and since I wasn't >> > having any trouble typing in the name of the affybatch object to get the >> > summary, I didn't report it. >> > >> > One last thing - were there no changes to affy for the Bioconductor 1.9 >> > release? The beginning of the vignette (Oct 3, 2006) still has listed >> > 'Changes for affy in BioC 1.8 release' in section 2, along with all the >> > same information as in the previous vignette. >> > >> > Thanks, >> > Jenny >> > >> > >raw >> > #many, many, many lines deleted... >> > a18 15 4 1 >> > a19 15 4 2 >> > a20 15 5 1 >> > a21 15 5 2 >> > Slot "varLabels": >> > Slot "varLabels":$Week >> > [1] "Week" >> > >> > Slot "varLabels":$Group >> > [1] "Group" >> > >> > Slot "varLabels":$Rep >> > [1] "Replicate" >> > >> > Slot "varMetadata": >> > NULL data frame with 0 rows >> > >> > > show(raw) >> > AffyBatch object >> > size of arrays=602x602 features (53806 kb) >> > cdf=RAE230A (15923 affyids) >> > number of samples=19 >> > number of genes=15923 >> > annotation=rae230a >> > >> > > sessionInfo() >> > R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03) >> > i386-pc-mingw32 >> > >> > locale: >> > LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United >> > States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United >> > States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 >> > >> > attached base packages: >> > [1] "splines" "tools" "methods" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" >> > [7] "utils" "datasets" "base" >> > >> > other attached packages: >> > rae230acdf affyQCReport simpleaffy made4 scatterplot3d >> > "1.14.0" "1.12.0" "2.8.0" "1.8.0" "0.3-24" >> > ade4 affyPLM gcrma matchprobes affydata >> > "1.4-2" "1.10.0" "2.6.0" "1.6.0" "1.10.0" >> > affycoretools biomaRt RCurl XML GOstats >> > "1.6.0" "1.8.0" "0.7-0" "0.99-93" "2.0.0" >> > Category genefilter survival KEGG RBGL >> > "2.0.0" "1.12.0" "2.29" "1.14.0" "1.10.0" >> > annotate GO graph limma affy >> > "1.12.0" "1.14.0" "1.12.0" "2.9.1" "1.12.0" >> > affyio Biobase RWinEdt >> > "1.2.0" "1.12.0" "1.7-5" >> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > Jenny Drnevich, Ph.D. >> > >> > Functional Genomics Bioinformatics Specialist >> > W.M. Keck Center for Comparative and Functional Genomics >> > Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center >> > University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign >> > >> > 330 ERML >> > 1201 W. Gregory Dr. >> > Urbana, IL 61801 >> > USA >> > >> > ph: 217-244-7355 >> > fax: 217-265-5066 >> > e-mail: drnevich at >> > >> > _______________________________________________ >> > Bioconductor mailing list >> > Bioconductor at >> > >> > Search the archives: >> >> >>-- >>Martin T. Morgan >>Bioconductor / Computational Biology >> > -- Martin T. Morgan Bioconductor / Computational Biology
GO Survival cdf Biobase annotate genefilter multtest affy affydata graph limma gcrma • 1.2k views

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