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Darlene Goldstein
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Richard Friedman <friedman at="" ...=""> writes:
> Dear Bioconductor Users,
> I am trying to use LimmaGUI to analyze a CpG island experiment.
> I wish to calculate the statistical significance associated with the
> comparison
> (Tumor Undigested-Tumor Digested) vs. (Normal Undigested-Normal
> digested).
> (Undigested has both methylated and unmethylated CpG islands.
> has only
> Unmethylated CpG islands. So Undigested-Digested gives the extent of
> methylation.
> Comparing tumor to normal gives the change in methylation associated
> with cancer.
> Mytarget matrix is:
> SlideNumber FileName Cy3 Cy5 Date
> 18370n_13430283.spot Ndigest Nundigest 10/3/06
> 28370n_13430572.spot Nundigest Ndigest 10/3/06
> 38370t_13469544.spot Tdigest Tundigest10/17/06
> 48370t_13469546.spot TundigestTdigest 10/17/06
You are trying to estimate an interaction (ie, 'difference of
differences'). The
message explains why it is not possible to do this with the present
the design is unconnected. The present design looks like:
ND ---> NU
ND <--- NU
TD ---> TU
TD <--- TU
so there is no path connecting any N with any T. To estimate the
you will also need hybs like Nx ---> Ty (and/or vice versa), where x
and y are D
and/or U. Then you can use limma/limmaGUI to estimate the difference
you are
interested in.
Best regards,
Darlene Goldstein
?cole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Institut de math?matiques
B?timent MA, Station 8 Tel: +41 21 693 5565
CH-1015 Lausanne Fax: +41 21 693 4303