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John Zhang
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I could not replicate the error. Please try the latest developmental
version of
Bioconductor and let me know if that error still occurs. Thanks.
>From: F?tima N??ez <fnunez@usal.es>
>To: <bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch>
>Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 13:24:21 +0200
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>Subject: [BioC] Error message when trying to ReadAffy with widgets
help, please?
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>Hello all,
>I am trying to upload my CEL files using the function ReadAffy with
>widgets option and I keep getting an error message (I have used in
>to install BioC what I believe is the latest version of the available
>script _getBioC version 1.2.29_ from
>I have also installed ActiveTcl8.3.5.0-2-win32-ix86.exe and when
>prompted in R: > library(tcltk) all seems to be OK.
>This is the error message:
>> alldata <- ReadAffy (widget=TRUE)
>Error in structure(.External("dotTcl", ..., PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class
>"tclObj") :
> [tcl] ambiguous option "-col": must be -column, -columnspan,
>-in, -ipadx, -ipady, -padx, -pady, -row, -rowspan, or -sticky.
>Could anybody tend a helping hand here?
>Thanks so much,
>F?tima N??ez, PhD
>Centre for Cancer Research (CIC)
>University of Salamanca-CSIC
>Campus Unamuno
>37007 Salamanca??????????????????????????????????????????????????
>Phone: + 34 923 294802
>Fax:?????+ 34 923 294743
>E-mail: fnunez@usal.es
>Bioconductor mailing list
Jianhua Zhang
Department of Biostatistics
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
44 Binney Street
Boston, MA 02115-6084