Help on interpreting PPDE values
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Kartik Pappu ▴ 20
Last seen 10.0 years ago
Hi all, I am statistically deficient biologist trying to interpret the results of differential expression analysis that I ran on Cyber T. My question is: I compared 3 experimental samples to 3 controls and obtained a list of genes their corresponding P values and their associated Posterior Probabailities of differential expression. Given these values how can I find out how many false positives I will obtain by choosing an arbitrary threshold for the p values and the PPDE values. So for example I set the cut off for p values at 0.01 and PPDE > .95. The p value cut off gives me 145 genes. How many of these 145 genes can I expect to be false positives given a PPDE>.95. I hope this question makes sense. Thanks Kartik

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