Hello everyone,
I'm new to bioinformatic in general and R too, and i am taking the workshop of DGE analysis overview: https://hbctraining.github.io/DGEworkshopsalmon/lessons/01DGEsetupandoverview.html.
Unfortunately, i can not follow the step with the provided code: Salmon (quant.sf) to tximport
## List all directories containing data samples <- list.files(path = "./data", full.names = T, pattern="salmon$")
## Obtain a vector of all filenames including the path files <- file.path(samples, "quant.sf")
## Since all quant files have the same name it is useful to have names for each element names(files) <- str_replace(samples, "./data/", "") %>% str_replace(".salmon", "")
It showed files character(0) and samples character(empty) in value. But there are quant.sf files in each sample file(.salmon)
And i have written the whole path for this codes, it is yet not working well. Wish for someone to help me figure out the problem. Thanks a lot.
Hi Michael,
Thanks a lot. According to your advice, i have gotten it. it is the path not right. Really appreciate. Qin