DESeq2 issue with hierarchical clustering
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mhnidhi2-c • 0
Last seen 4.0 years ago

I have eleven viable samples (there were supposed to be 3 replicates of each). I am trying to get samples MOG3, MOG4, MOG5 to cluster together and also MOGSP2 and MOGSP_3. I realise that the latter group is missing a replicate so I used dropEmptyLevels but the pheatmap still doesn't cluster the MOG samples together. How do you suggest I amend this issue? Below is my code. I would be truly appreciative of any feedback. I have tremendous respect for the community and its support.

#load count matrix 
count <- read.csv("~/Documents/DrKwan/Workshop/InputforDESeq.csv")

#create data frame 
countData <-
countData <- countData[!duplicated(countData[,c("Gene_Symbol")]),]
row.names(countData) <- countData$Gene_Symbol
countData <- countData[,c(7:17)]

#create column data

colData <- DataFrame(
  cell = c("SPtetramerCD8TCell", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "Ly49NCD8TCell", "Ly49PCD8TCell", "Ly49NCD8TCell", "Ly49PCD8TCell", "Ly49NCD8TCell", "Ly49PCD8TCell"),
  treatment = c("MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOG", "MOG", "MOG", "MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOGSP"),
  row.names = colnames(countData)



dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countData,
                              design= ~ treatment + cell)   

rld <- rlog(dds, blind = FALSE)

vsd <- vst(dds, blind = FALSE)

dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)

dds$cell <- dropEmptyLevels(dds$cell)
dds$treatment <- dropEmptyLevels(dds$treatment)

slog <- log2(counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)+1)

#remove genes with low counts 

keepCounts <- rowSums(counts(dds)) >= 10
dds <- dds[keepCounts,]


dds <- DESeq(dds)
res <- results(dds)

#p-values and adjusted p-values

resOrdered <- res[order(res$pvalue),]

#Benjamini-Hochberg two tailed adjusted P <0.005 from Wald's test
#Log2 Fold Change >0.75

res005 <- results(dds, alpha=0.005, lfcThreshold = 0.75)
sum(res005$padj < 0.005, na.rm=TRUE)

#more information on results columns


#multi-factor designs

#create a copy of the DESeqDataSet so that we can rerun the analysis using a multi-factor design

ddsMF <- dds

#change the levels of "cell" 

levels(ddsMF$cell) <- sub("-.*", "", levels(ddsMF$cell))

#rerun DESeq with "treatment"

design(ddsMF) <- formula(~ treatment + cell)
ddsMF <- DESeq(ddsMF)

resMF <- results(ddsMF)

#multiType Results

resMFType <- results(ddsMF,
                     contrast=c("cell", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "Ly49NCD8TCell"))

#If the variable is continuous or an interaction term
#then the results can be extracted using the `name` argument to *results*,
#where the name is one of elements returned by `resultsNames(dds)`.

#transform count data

vsd <- vst(dds, blind=FALSE)
rld <- rlog(dds, blind=FALSE)
head(assay(vsd), 3)

#Wald test individual steps

dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
dds <- estimateDispersions(dds)
dds <- nbinomWaldTest(dds)


#If the comparisons of interest are, for example, the effect of a condition for different sets of samples, a simpler approach than adding interaction terms explicitly to the design formula is to perform the following steps:
##combine the factors of interest into a single factor with all combinations of the original factors
##change the design to include just this factor, e.g. ~ group

dds$group <- factor(paste0(dds$treatment, dds$cell))
design(dds) <- ~ group
dds <- DESeq(dds)

resCellTreatment <- results(dds, contrast = c("group", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "Ly49NCD8TCell"))

#remove genes with low counts 

keepCounts <- rowSums(counts(dds)) >= 10
dds <- dds[keepCounts,]


dds <- DESeq(dds)
resCellTreatment <- results(dds)

#p-values and adjusted p-values

resOrderedCellTreatment <- resCellTreatment[order(resCellTreatment$pvalue),]

#Benjamini-Hochberg two tailed adjusted P <0.005 from Wald's test
#Log2 Fold Change >0.75

res005CellTreatment <- results(dds, alpha=0.005, lfcThreshold = 0.75)
sum(res005CellTreatment$padj < 0.005, na.rm=TRUE)

#more information on results columns


df <- bind_rows(
  as_data_frame(slog[,1:2]) %>%
    mutate(transformation = "log2(x + 1)"),
  as_data_frame(assay(rld)[, 1:2]) %>% mutate(transformation = "rlog"),
  as_data_frame(assay(vsd)[, 1:2]) %>% mutate(transformation = "vst"))

colnames(df)[1:2] <- c("x", "y")  

ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_hex(bins = 80) +
  coord_fixed() + facet_grid( . ~ transformation)

dist2 <- function(x, ...)   # distance function = 1-PCC (Pearson's correlation coefficient)
  as.dist(1-cor(t(x), method="pearson"))

fit = cmdscale( dist2(t(assay(rld))) , eig=T, k=2)
mdsData <-$points[,1:2]); 
mdsData <- cbind(mdsData,detectGroups(colnames(assay(rld))) )
colnames(mdsData) = c("x1", "x2", "Type")


hclust2 <- function(x, method="ward.D2", ...)  # average linkage in hierarchical clustering
  hclust(x, method=method, ...)

n=100 # number of top genes by standard deviation

x = assay(rld)
if(n>dim(x)[1]) n = dim(x)[1] # max as data

x = x[order(apply(x,1,sd),decreasing=TRUE),]  # sort genes by standard deviation

x = x[1:n,]   # only keep the n genes

# this will cutoff very large values, which could skew the color 
cutoff = median(unlist(x)) + 4*sd (unlist(x)) 
x[x>cutoff] <- cutoff
cutoff = median(unlist(x)) - 4*sd (unlist(x)) 
x[x< cutoff] <- cutoff

groups = detectGroups(colnames(x) )
groups.colors = rainbow(length(unique(groups) ) )

#pretty heat map
pheatmap(x, fontsize_row = 3)
deseq2 design • 2.0k views
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Kevin Blighe ★ 4.0k
Last seen 5 weeks ago
Republic of Ireland

I realise that the latter group is missing a replicate so I used dropEmptyLevels but the pheatmap still doesn't cluster the MOG samples together. How do you suggest I amend this issue?

But this is not a technical issue relating to DESeq2.

I mean, why should the clustering segregate your samples based on group? From your code, you are only selecting top n genes based on standard deviation and then clustering using those genes. It seems like you want to cluster using differentially expressed genes.

Elsewhere, you should not be running commands like this:

slog <- log2(counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)+1)

If you want expression values for downstream clustering, PCA, etc, then use the data returned by vst() or rlog().

Another point, your code chunk is very long and it is difficult to discern what you are doing, with multiple (4) invocations of DESeq() taking place. If you could try to improve the clarity of what you're doing in terms of your code, that would help.


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Dear Dr. Kevin,

Thank you for your feedback. I took your advice and tried to clean up my code which was too convoluted because I was trying to get all bits and parts from the vignette. I removed slog as suggested. Is the expression values as they should be now as x = assay(rld)?

Please accept my apologies.

#load count matrix 
count <- read.csv("~/Documents/DrKwan/Workshop/InputforDESeq.csv")

#create data frame 
countData <-
countData <- countData[!duplicated(countData[,c("Gene_Symbol")]),]
row.names(countData) <- countData$Gene_Symbol
countData <- countData[,c(7:17)]

#create column data

colData <- DataFrame(
  cell = c("SPtetramerCD8TCell", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "Ly49NCD8TCell", "Ly49PCD8TCell", "Ly49NCD8TCell", "Ly49PCD8TCell", "Ly49NCD8TCell", "Ly49PCD8TCell"),
  treatment = c("MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOG", "MOG", "MOG", "MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOGSP", "MOGSP"),
  row.names = colnames(countData)



dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countData,
                              design= ~ treatment + cell)   

dds$cell <- dropEmptyLevels(dds$cell)
dds$treatment <- dropEmptyLevels(dds$treatment)

#remove genes with low counts 

keepCounts <- rowSums(counts(dds)) >= 10
dds <- dds[keepCounts,]

#change the levels of "cell" 

levels(dds$cell) <- sub("-.*", "", levels(dds$cell))


#If the comparisons of interest are, for example, the effect of a condition for different sets of samples, a simpler approach than adding interaction terms explicitly to the design formula is to perform the following steps:
##combine the factors of interest into a single factor with all combinations of the original factors
##change the design to include just this factor, e.g. ~ group

dds$group <- factor(paste0(dds$treatment, dds$cell))
design(dds) <- ~ group
dds <- DESeq(dds)

res <- results(dds, contrast = c("group", "SPtetramerCD8TCell", "Ly49NCD8TCell"))

#p-values and adjusted p-values

resOrdered <- res[order(res$pvalue),]

#Benjamini-Hochberg two tailed adjusted P <0.005 from Wald's test
#Log2 Fold Change >0.75

res005 <- results(dds, alpha=0.005, lfcThreshold = 0.75)
sum(res005$padj < 0.005, na.rm=TRUE)

#If the variable is continuous or an interaction term
#then the results can be extracted using the `name` argument to *results*,
#where the name is one of elements returned by `resultsNames(dds)`.

#transform count data

vsd <- vst(dds, blind=FALSE)
rld <- rlog(dds, blind=FALSE)
head(assay(vsd), 3)

#Wald test individual steps

dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
dds <- estimateDispersions(dds)
dds <- nbinomWaldTest(dds)

#p-values and adjusted p-values

resOrderedCellTreatment <- res[order(res$pvalue),]

#more information on results columns


df <- bind_rows(
  as_data_frame(assay(rld)[, 1:2]) %>% mutate(transformation = "rlog"),
  as_data_frame(assay(vsd)[, 1:2]) %>% mutate(transformation = "vst"))

colnames(df)[1:2] <- c("x", "y")  

dist2 <- function(x, ...)   # distance function = 1-PCC (Pearson's correlation coefficient)
  as.dist(1-cor(t(x), method="pearson"))


hclust2 <- function(x, method="ward.D2", ...)  # average linkage in hierarchical clustering
  hclust(x, method=method, ...)

n=100 # number of top genes by standard deviation

x = assay(rld)
if(n>dim(x)[1]) n = dim(x)[1] # max as data

x = x[order(apply(x,1,sd),decreasing=TRUE),]  # sort genes by standard deviation

x = x[1:n,]   # only keep the n genes

# this will cutoff very large values, which could skew the color 
cutoff = median(unlist(x)) + 4*sd (unlist(x)) 
x[x>cutoff] <- cutoff
cutoff = median(unlist(x)) - 4*sd (unlist(x)) 
x[x< cutoff] <- cutoff

#pretty heat map
pheatmap(x, fontsize_row = 3)
Entering edit mode

Hey again, I am not sure about what you would like me to comment. The underlying issue is that you expected that your sample groups would segregate via clustering by simply selecting the top 100 genes based on standard deviation, which is not a realistic expectation to have.

You may need to clarify what is the aim of your work (not necessarily by replying to this thread). For example, you have treatment and cell, but what is the hypothesis here?

You already performed a differential expression analysis via the following command:

res005 <- results(dds, alpha=0.005, lfcThreshold = 0.75)

; however, you are running this command 'blind' and not specifying which groups you want to compare.

There is also some redundancy in your code, because you do not have to run these commands:

#Wald test individual steps
dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
dds <- estimateDispersions(dds)
dds <- nbinomWaldTest(dds)

These three commands are automatically invoked via DESeq(), which you have already run - see HERE.

You also load gplots but never use it, and define hclust2 and dist2, but never use these.

It may help to take a look at the Quick Start, followed by Contrasts, followed by Extracting transformed values.

Usually, after we derive differentially expressed genes, we then subset our expression matrix prior to clustering. In this case, yes, we would use x = assay(rld) or x = assay(vsd), and then subset x for the differentially expressed genes before running pheatmap().

Trust that this helps.

Entering edit mode

My main issue with the analysis is that you are trying to make the samples cluster together. That is not how clustering works. If it does not cluster together, then maybe that is the reality.

That being said, you should subset your count matrix (after rlog or vst transformation) for the differentialy expressed genes for plotting the heatmap.


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